
find file

In Eclipse, at runtime, the following piece of code could not work Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(new fileInputStream("")); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(props.getProperty("test")); Because eclipse can not recogi...

by megazeng - Java文档中心 - 2007-04-07 14:59:02 阅读(1045) 回复(0)


u can use newer/cnewer/anewer to find files newer than a file, but how about to find the older files?

by flightbird - Linux论坛 - 2004-01-07 18:29:30 阅读(940) 回复(6)

Solaris 系统 oracle9! 启动出现如下错误信息: jb2510% dbstart Can't find init file for Database "owblade". Database "owblade" NOT started. % sqlplus /nolog sqlplus: fatal: version `SUNW_1.3' not found (required by file /pa/ora9lm/OraHome1/lib/ sqlplus: fatal: open failed: No such file or directory Killed 请教高手如何解决?

by sea2007 - Oracle - 2009-03-20 16:35:16 阅读(2086) 回复(2)

新学perl请教各位: 下面这段代码使用file::find模块找到*.ape文件,然后将其删除。但是奇怪的是如果是 #./ ./ 则能正常工作。 但是,如果跨目录,比如, #./ ./temp/ 则能找到*.ape文件,但是无法删除。这是怎么回事? #!/usr/bin/perl -w #name: use strict; use file::find; sub wanted { $_ = $file::find::name; if ( /\.ape$/ ) { my $file = $file::find::name; ...

by alitalia - Perl - 2007-12-05 11:53:13 阅读(2354) 回复(7)

Unable to start program 'c:\documents and settings\owner\my documents\visual studio 2005\projects\aaa\debug\aaa.exe'. The system cannot find the file specified.

by zhshqzyc - C/C++ - 2006-04-28 08:52:33 阅读(1013) 回复(0)

After I installed in Redhat As 2.0 for Itanium, I can't find the OEM startup file oemapp in ORACLE_HOME/bin directory, why?

by walkinair - Oracle - 2004-09-21 15:11:12 阅读(1073) 回复(1)

我想问以下,file::find 的语法参数,以及它的优点. :em14:

by sumila1icil - Perl - 2003-12-10 17:57:14 阅读(1643) 回复(2)

#!/usr/bin/perl -w #脚本用途:当某个存储分区空间不足时,创建软链接到某个空闲分区,不至于影响文件的存储 use strict; use file::find; use file::Basename; #用户选择空间不足和空间空闲的分区 print "请输入您认为空间不足的分区(如输入/data2),并回车:"; chomp (my $src_partition=); print "请输入您认为空间空闲的分区(如输入/data3),并回车:"; chomp (my $dst_partition=); opendir DH,"$src_partiti...

by gaochong - Perl - 2009-08-20 21:47:15 阅读(2296) 回复(12)

Q: mysqld_safe启动不成功, 查看/var/log/mysqld.log有以下错误: 061110 9:44:16 [ERROR] /usr/libexec/mysqld: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13)061110 9:44:16 [ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open privilege tables: Can't find file: './mysql/host.frm' (errno: 13) 但查看存在/var/lib/mysql/mysql/host.frm这个文件, 如何解决? A: 这是因为权限的问题,查看/var/lib/mysql/mysql/ 下的文件的用户组都...

by chouxiaozi - MySQL文档中心 - 2007-11-16 11:03:32 阅读(1247) 回复(0)

执行makefile,生成exe的时候出现问题 ld: 0706-006 Cannot find or open library file: -l clntsh ld:open(): A file or directory in the path name does not exist. make: 1254-004 The error code from the last command is 255. make中是这么写的 /opt/oracle/product/9.2/bin/oraxlc -q64 -o hldCT -qcpluscmt -DAIX=51 -D _XOPEN_SOURCE cli_main.o cli_drv.o assist.o tcpcom.o -L/usr/lib -L//opt/orac...

by goodbyefaith - Oracle - 2007-03-29 16:47:31 阅读(8307) 回复(1)

[code]use file::find; @ARGV=('.') unless @ARGV; $dir=shift @ARGV; find(\&edits, $dir); sub edits() { $seen=0; if( -f and /.htm?/ ) { $file=$_; open file, $file; @lines=<file>;; close file; for $line (@lines){ if($line=~s/

by xiaojianredhat - Perl - 2004-09-05 19:48:21 阅读(1598) 回复(1)