
组态王 变量未定义

我记得php里面的变量是不需要定义就可以直接用的。怎么会报这个错误? Notice: Undefined variable: area_html in c:\program files\apache group\apache\htdocs\right.php on line 21 哪位经历过类似的问题?给指点一二?

by 9命怪猫 - PHP - 2005-02-28 18:09:23 阅读(1205) 回复(3)


main里面定义宿主变量: $begin declare section; int nCount; /*统计已经存在的题目数量 */ $end declare section; 后面引用: $SELECT zstmzs INTO :nCount FROM zssj; esql编译报错: esqlc: "", line 148: Error -33040: Object 'nCount' was not declared. informix 7.3 esql : 7.23 谢谢诸位,帮我看看。我实在不知道这个有什么问题

by tena - Informix - 2004-12-30 16:06:21 阅读(1183) 回复(1)

提交表单 全局变量未定义! php4.4.0 +apache2+zend1.3 外部<font color="red">变量</font> </tilte> </head> <body> <? if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ echo "提交的内容是$_POST[con]"; }else{ ?> <form method="POST" action="8.3.3.php"> 提交的内容: <input type="text" name="con"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> </form>; <? } ?> </body> </html> zend studio调试环境: php:/usr/www/7/8.3... </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">sharkman2004 </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">PHP</a> - 2006-05-24 13:20:52 阅读(994) 回复(1) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> javascript中如何测试某<font color="red">变量</font>为<font color="red">未定义</font> </a></h2> </div> <p> 在php中可以用isset()函数来测试<font color="red">变量</font>是否存在,请问在javascript中有没有类似此功能的函数或实现此功能的方法 </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">mr_zxy </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">Web开发</a> - 2005-07-07 20:25:15 阅读(7283) 回复(1) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> awk中如何区分<font color="red">未定义</font><font color="red">变量</font>和值为0的<font color="red">变量</font> </a></h2> </div> <p> 如题: 在awk中用判断语句如何区分这两类呢: <font color="red">未定义</font><font color="red">变量</font> 值为0的<font color="red">变量</font> </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">hongyunqi </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">Shell</a> - 2007-11-05 14:47:56 阅读(5769) 回复(10) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> 请教老问题:igenus无法登陆?报出一堆“<font color="red">未定义</font>的<font color="red">变量</font>” </a></h2> </div> <p> 打开登陆页面后,就报以下错误: Notice: Use of undefined constant gb - assumed 'gb' in /var/www/html/igenus/config/config_inc.php on line 26 Notice: Undefined variable: G_HOME in /var/www/html/igenus/config/config_inc.php on line 67 Notice: Undefined variable: G_HOME in /var/www/html/igenus/config/config_inc.php on line 68 Notice: Undefined variable: G_HOME in /var/www/html/igenus/config/config_... </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">靖康 </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">服务器应用</a> - 2007-06-22 10:08:02 阅读(2099) 回复(3) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> SQL1390C 环境<font color="red">变量</font> DB2INSTANCE <font color="red">未定义</font>或无效 </a></h2> </div> <p> 在win2000下启动分区DB2 EEE时报:SQL1390C 环境<font color="red">变量</font> DB2INSTANCE <font color="red">未定义</font>或无效?这是怎么回事? and how can I do? </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">renzr </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">DB2</a> - 2003-05-16 14:35:41 阅读(4738) 回复(1) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> 将php数组<font color="red">变量</font>中的值放入javascript数组<font color="red">变量</font>中,结果提示javascript数组<font color="red">变量</font><font color="red">未定义</font>? </a></h2> </div> <p> <? $sql="select * from mainmenu_t"; $result=mysql_query($sql); $va=array(); while($rs=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { array_push($va,$rs['C_MenuName']); } $arrLen=count($va); echo "<script language=javascript>"; echo "var arrl=new Array()"; for($i=0;$i<$arrLen;$i++) { echo "arrl.push(".$va[$i].")"; } echo "</script>"; ?> </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">光速 </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">PHP</a> - 2008-04-03 12:48:44 阅读(3660) 回复(2) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> <font color="red">未定义</font> </a></h2> </div> <p> <font color="red">未定义</font> [ 本帖最后由 bukaihua 于 2008-10-10 16:44 编辑 ] </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">bukaihua </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">BSD</a> - 2008-07-13 14:47:11 阅读(10995) 回复(38) </div> <div class="two_con1"> <div class="tit5"> <h2><a href="" target="_blank"> htonll/ntohll<font color="red">未定义</font> </a></h2> </div> <p> 因为要传输的数据中有一个字段64-bit的地址,所以想到用htonll/ntohll解决字节序的问题,可是在编译的时候提示<font color="red">未定义</font>,在头文件中我已经包含了netinet/in.h,所以不明白为什么还是赵不到 [code] Undefined first referenced symbol in file htonll /var/tmp//ccwBQuXK.o ntohll /var/tmp//ccwBQuXK.o ld: fatal: ... </p> <p class="news_tag"> </p> </div> <div class="two_con2"> by <a href="" target="_blank">wawxdyy </a> - <a href="" target="_blank">Solaris</a> - 2015-06-27 18:45:13 阅读(6577) 回复(3) </div> </div> <div class="friendly_link"> <div class="friendly_con1"> <div class="f_link_tit">盛拓传媒:</div> <p><a href="">IT168</a> | <a href="">泡泡网</a> | <a href="">汽车之家</a> | <a href="">二手车之家</a> | <a href="">渠道168</a> | <a href="">ITPUB</a> | <a href="">IXPUB</a> | <a href="">ChinaUnix</a> | <a href="">安卓之家</a> | <a href="">苹果园</a> | <a href="">家商城</a> | <a href="">苹果论坛</a></p> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> <div class="dot1"><a href="" class="n1"></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a></div> <p class="p"> <a href="" rel="nofollow">盛拓传媒简介</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">关于IT168</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">合作伙伴</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">广告服务</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">使用条款</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">投稿指南</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">诚聘精英</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">联系我们</a> | <a href="">ITPUB论坛</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">网站导航</a> | <a href="" rel="nofollow">往日回顾</a> </p> <address> 北京皓辰网域网络信息技术有限公司. 版权所有 <a href=""><font color="#666666">京ICP证:060528号</font></a> 北京市公安局海淀分局网监中心备案编号:1101082001<br> <font color="#666666">广播电视节目制作经营许可证:编号(京)字第1149号</font> </address> <div style=" color:#666;margin-top:10px; text-align:right;">ITPUB推荐文章解答你所有技术难题</div> <div class="clear"> </div> </div> </div> <!-- 统计 START --> <script language="javascript" src=""></script> <script> function sendPV(){ var pvTrack = new PvTrack(); pvTrack.type = 35; // 频道类别ID = 461; // 频道ID pvTrack.pageType = 0; pvTrack.track(); } window.setTimeout("sendPV()", 1000); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-20237423-2']); _gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 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