
create table as select

create table as select * from table1 tablespace tablespace1为啥tablespace tablespace1不对呀 该咋写?

by yulanhua - Oracle - 2003-07-11 09:40:59 阅读(3311) 回复(1)


create table select 复制表数据到新表(新表不存在) create table select × from old_table into new_table 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by szszszsz - MySQL文档中心 - 2009-01-05 16:55:12 阅读(1490) 回复(0)

今天发现mysql 5.0.67的一个bug:create table xxx select * from 关联表,其中一关联表字段属性为not null,建表后用show columns from xxx,该字段属性显示为允许NULL,实际是not null!

by zhtx - MySQL - 2008-12-07 22:21:39 阅读(3184) 回复(10)


by fxhnkf - Oracle - 2006-11-29 11:55:00 阅读(2324) 回复(3)

为什么会报错? 正确的该怎么写?

by littlescorpian - Informix - 2003-09-29 17:15:18 阅读(1882) 回复(2)

create table lb_tj as select number,sum(cost) cost from rec_213_200705 where number=888888' group by number 这个语句在从ORACLE角度来看这样的语句是没问题的,不知INFORMIX的create table要怎么用才可以有上面的效果。

by gdmmlibo - Informix - 2007-06-15 21:51:52 阅读(3533) 回复(3)

Creating a Basic table Adding and Controlling Borders Adding a border to the table can help distinguish the data cells and make the table more readable. Use the BORDER attribute in the table element to set a one-pixel border for the table border="1"> Alberts $160,251 $245,600 $132,000 $537,851 Setting Spacing and Padding The CELLSPACING attribute adds space between cells, whereas the CELLPA...

by 紫冰 - Java文档中心 - 2006-04-19 10:43:09 阅读(735) 回复(0)

drop table t_theme; create table netbank.t_theme (id_theme serial not null , theme varchar(50), choice_num integer(4), choice1 varchar(50), choice2 varchar(50), choice3 varchar(50), choice4 varchar(50), choice5 varchar(50), choice6 varchar(50), standard_answer varchar(2), ); 如果要制定id_theme 为主键,,应该如何加? 多谢!

by yebinlei - Informix - 2005-09-05 13:06:15 阅读(1256) 回复(1)

我用下面的语句创建了一张表,create table db_test2 (country varchar(30),location varchar(30),address varchar(50),username varchar(30)) tablespace test storage(initial 100k next 50k maxextents 20); ,接着查看了 INITIAL_EXTENT NEXT_EXTENT MIN_EXTENTS MAX_EXTENTS 106496 1 2147483645 为什么和我上面的创建的不符合呢;max_extents怎么...

by net_xiaobao - Oracle - 2005-07-04 08:41:09 阅读(1100) 回复(1)

create TEMPORARY table actors ( id DECIMAL(03), name VARCHAR(40), CONSTRAINT actor_id CHECK (id < 150) ) ; insert into actors(id, name) values(1, 'camera'); insert into actors(id, name) values(2, 'flash mem'); "TEMPORARY 此表只是为这次会话创建,并且在会话结束后自动删除。当临时表存在时,同名的永久表是不可见的。" 但我觉得在对话结束后并没有自动删除 为什么上面的语句不...

by wsswh - PostgreSQL - 2003-12-13 10:16:26 阅读(2113) 回复(0)

在orcale和sqlserver下都支持select * from (select * from table)这样的语句查询,在informix我使用dbaccess进行测试,都提示语法错误? 是否有高人能指点?informix如何可以支持这样的查询?

by quzhaojun - Informix - 2007-04-05 16:36:43 阅读(3061) 回复(6)