

SQL30081N 检测到通信错误。正在使用的通信协议:"TCP/IP"。正在使用的通信API:"SOCKETS"。检测到错误的位置:""。检测到错误的通信函数"recv"。协议特定的错误代码:"10054"、"*"、"0"。 sqlstate=08001 db2 安装在win2k上,现在连接不上,大家看看该如何设置 新手:( //blow

by eojessie - DB2 - 2005-06-27 16:50:42 阅读(41573) 回复(7)


转自 $ tail -4 /etc/services DB2_db2inst1 60000/tcp DB2_db2inst1_1 60001/tcp DB2_db2inst1_2 60002/tcp DB2_db2inst1_END 60003/tcp jdbc:db2://localhost:60000/test The DB2 instance is listening on Port 50000 by default Solution 配置DB2服务器的TCP/IP通信 客户端想要访问DB2数据库服务器,必须先配置DB2服务器上的通信协议。 在配...

by totoo130 - DB2 - 2011-03-28 19:35:29 阅读(6019) 回复(0)

55032的含义是CONNECT语句无效,因为在该应用程序启动后,数据库管理器停止。 我刚刚接触DB2。刚安装完的时候DB2好用,过一会再连接的时候就不好用的。应该怎样解决哪?版本是WINDOWS(JP)个人版,谢谢。 [ 本帖最后由 pantierui 于 2007-3-1 14:26 编辑 ]

by pantierui - DB2 - 2007-03-02 10:20:12 阅读(8922) 回复(4)

We have our main SQL server (SQL2000 SP4) with over a 1000 customer databases. Each database has 2 important tables that we wish to backup as one. We used to copy all of the data into a single ALLCUSTS database on the original server every evening, but this got rather large. (around 14 million records in one table and 23 million in another and counting). We now have another server (SQL2000 SP4)...

by JeansonWu - SQL server - 2007-01-31 14:30:13 阅读(4273) 回复(3)

总是提示没有tlcmulpro表 ,而我的程序根本就没有用到这个表 [code] SQL0061W The binder is in progress. SQL0091N Binding was ended with "0" errors and "0" warnings. db2 grant execute on package tlcmulpro to public; DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL0204N "BA...

by nxinvoodoo - DB2 - 2004-03-02 11:21:27 阅读(7007) 回复(1)

SQL0668N 由于表 "db2inst1.test" 上的原因代码 "3",所以不允许操作。 sqlstate=57016 该怎么办啊?

by guobeifen - DB2 - 2004-09-30 16:58:26 阅读(3367) 回复(1)

小弟很少用db2,最近发现load一个2千万的数据,报事务日志满了! 想请教下,对于这样的问题,有什么好的解决办法没? 想知道如下: 1,不让它写这么多日志? 2,加大日志空间 3,其他方式???????

by jakey2413 - DB2 - 2009-06-13 21:45:57 阅读(3295) 回复(1)

在查询数据时,db2 经常出现“未发出启动数据库管理器的命令”提示,而事实上实例已在运行,不知道什么原因,有人遇到过类似问题吗? 麻烦指点一下!

by xiaowhere - DB2 - 2009-10-24 19:31:45 阅读(4334) 回复(3)

Declare sqlcode Integer default 0; Declare sqlstate char(5) default ''; Declare errorCode Integer default 0; Declare errorState char(5) default ''; 在存储过程里面 捕获异常的sqlstate和sqlcode 的时候 不能同时捕获两个值 具体代码如下: Declare EXIT HANDLER FOR SQLEXCEPTION begin Set errorState = sqlstate; Set errorCode = sqlcode; Rol...

by raulchen - DB2 - 2007-08-27 10:41:47 阅读(5052) 回复(1)

the commmand is : bcp HARM.dbo.SCM_UPLOAD in D:\\SCM_UPLOAD.txt -Sdellsql2k -Usa -Psa -t!@# -r$@$$$#\\n -w -oca\\SCM_UPLOAD.log the error is Starting copy... sqlstate = 37000, NativeError = 170 Error = [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near \'-\'. how to handle this problem? thanks in advance.

by wenxin2005 - SQL server - 2007-04-10 11:34:39 阅读(3214) 回复(1)

在数据库操作时断电,重启后发现数据库连接不上,提示 必须重新启动数据库,因为先前的会话未正常结束 sqlstate=55025 可是在控制中心选择重新启动还是连不上,请问应如何处理?

by yzyt - DB2 - 2010-07-30 17:24:16 阅读(7879) 回复(4)