
awk index

想要输出11AFCM这个字段,写到awk这里,index的第三个参数不知道怎么写了 请大家帮忙 $ cat list 1|11AFCM|20051202 $ awk '{print substr($1, index($1,"|")+1, ?????) }' list ^^^^ 不知道怎么写了 :( list字符串里面有多个"|"字符 请问怎样来定位第2个呢? index能做到么?

by milq - Shell - 2005-12-25 19:26:33 阅读(1641) 回复(2)


我想要查找双引号在一个字符串里的位置,折腾了几下,搞不定了:em15: :em15: index($1,\") index($1,'"') 都不行

by welcome008 - Shell - 2009-03-27 12:02:53 阅读(2104) 回复(4)

.... -- ============================================================ -- Table: XXX -- ============================================================ create table XXX ( USER_ID INTEGER not null , LOCALE_ID INTEGER not null , CREATE_BY VARGRAPHIC(60) ...

by watsonyaya - DB2 - 2007-03-09 23:35:27 阅读(2057) 回复(3)

我看ocp 教材上写bitmap index efficient for queries using or predicates. 可是我怎么也想不明白为什么?那位大哥能解释一下. 我在线等!!!!!!!!!

by huangd - Oracle - 2007-01-06 17:29:01 阅读(1032) 回复(1)

现在因为数据库过于庞大,想对一些不常的索引DELETE,是否有办法知道索引的使用频率,以便找出很少甚至不使用的index,将其DELETE,以节约DBSPACE。 请教

by zhbw - Informix - 2006-11-04 11:20:08 阅读(1424) 回复(0)

各位好,我是一位新手,希望得到大家的帮助。 在测试index命令时,有一点不解,例: #!/usr/bin/perl -w index " a boy","boy"; 执行后提示: useless use of index in void context at line 2. 这里上下文怎么是无效? 求解,谢谢!

by hb12112 - Perl - 2006-03-24 22:27:22 阅读(1743) 回复(3)

建了一个表和一个index 然后一行update了 index文件有什么变化?

by ipig - PostgreSQL - 2006-01-17 09:28:04 阅读(2223) 回复(1)

IF my sql query does not know how to pick up the index which i created earlier then what should i do???

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2004-08-03 11:00:59 阅读(903) 回复(1)

I wish to know how I going to know am I create a correct index? Can any provide some examples for creating a proper index? THANKS...

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2004-07-08 17:05:05 阅读(1049) 回复(3)

select acct_id,sum(charge) from acct_item where acct_id in ( select acct_id from tmp_62) and state in ('20C','20T') group by acct_id; 这个语句如果不加任何提示不会用上索引,执行得很慢。 SELECT /*+ index(acct_item,idx_acct_item_acct) */ acct_id, SUM (charge) FROM acct_item WHERE acct_id IN ( SELECT acct_id FROM tmp_62) AND state IN ('20C', '20T') GROUP BY acct_id 如果加了索引提示就能使用...

by slightsnow - Oracle - 2004-03-10 12:37:12 阅读(783) 回复(1)

下面这个语句如果不加任何提示不会用上索引,执行得很慢 。 select acct_id,sum(charge) from acct_item where acct_id in ( select acct_id from tmp_62) and state in ('20C','20T') group by acct_id; 如果加了索引提示就能使用索引,执行得很快。 SELECT /*+ index(acct_item,idx_acct_item_acct) */ acct_id, SUM (charge) FROM acct_item WHERE acct_id IN ( SELECT acct_id FROM tmp_62) AND state IN ('20C', '2...

by slightsnow - Oracle - 2004-03-10 11:38:30 阅读(630) 回复(0)