
c open write

okla [ 本帖最后由 ilove2006 于 2006-2-23 22:55 编辑 ]

by ilove2006 - HP-UX - 2006-02-13 21:51:03 阅读(1419) 回复(2)



by mabuc - C/C++ - 2009-04-29 13:15:34 阅读(3963) 回复(9)

举例: /dev/usb/lp0 是一个USB打印机。 我现在想使用cat print_dat > /dev/usb/lp0 的方式进行打印。不存在并发的情况下没有问题,可是如果几个进程同时使用这种方式,那么只有一个进程正常工作,其他进程无法打开设备文件。即设备文件是独占打开的。 我现在自己编写程序来代替cat,如何在打开设备文件时判断设备文件已被独占打开?如何让这个进程阻塞直到另外一个进程close这个独占的设备文件?如果不是两个,而是两个以上更多...

by pilgrim_kevin - C/C++ - 2008-09-25 11:34:43 阅读(1576) 回复(4)


by 旭日升 - Shell - 2006-04-15 21:24:12 阅读(1280) 回复(2)

《The Google File System》中有一段 GFS provides a familiar file system interface, though it does not implement a standard API such as POSIX. Files are organized hierarchically in directories and identified by pathnames. We support the usual operations to create, delete, open, close, read, and write files. 貌似另外提供了一套API, GFS和开源的文件系统像hadoop的实现是调用的系统提供的open read write cl...

by zhongyj - C/C++ - 2008-12-26 11:21:56 阅读(1789) 回复(2)

write IN c! :D [code] write IN c (sung to The Beatles "Let it Be") When I find my code in tons of trouble, Friends and colleagues come to me, Speaking words of wisdom: "write in c." As the deadline fast approaches, And bugs are all that I can see, Somewhere, someone whispers" "write in c." write in c, write in c, write in c, write in c. LISP is dead and buried, write in c. I us...

by deathcult - C/C++ - 2004-02-10 14:14:27 阅读(880) 回复(0)

open函数 有没有c 实现? 有的话给个连接。谢谢。

by Darleter - C/C++ - 2009-04-22 22:52:23 阅读(1580) 回复(2)

c写ftp服务器,出现write error :文件太大? 就是在发送完数据之后发送noop命令 很长时间才有反应 然后报错 但是用ftp直接登陆就没问题, 谁写过这个 清高手指点,谢谢!!

by reddatura - 服务器应用 - 2003-05-21 17:38:28 阅读(1128) 回复(1)

c写ftp服务器,出现write error :文件太大? 就是在发送完数据之后发送noop命令 很长时间才有反应 然后报错 但是用ftp直接登陆就没问题, 谁写过这个 清高手指点,谢谢!!

by reddatura - C/C++ - 2003-05-22 18:25:42 阅读(2513) 回复(10)

After open-sourcing their c++ Test Framework a few months ago, Google has just open-sourced the Google c++ Mocking Framework (Google Mock) under the BSD license.

by 小把戏 - IT业界快报 - 2008-12-14 20:27:00 阅读(706) 回复(0)