
android app安裝Folder位置

咱们是不是应该开个android :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: 看着太好玩了。 [ 本帖最后由 小把戏 于 2008-9-29 21:55 编辑 ]

by 小把戏 - 站务交流 - 2008-12-29 20:31:52 阅读(2613) 回复(5)


新建好folder以后,只能用navigator设置共享? as400里有命令吗?

by lucifersai - AS400 - 2007-01-04 12:26:29 阅读(1348) 回复(1)

Now I can't driver my Linux OS, Fedora Core 4. So I install the Windows 2003 on my computer, as host OS, and install FC4 in vmware as guest OS. I know the systems can share folders by vmware, but I don't know how to configure. I am sorry that I am not good at English, so I can catch the manul absolutely. Is there any one can help me? It is better to describe the steps in detailed. If I share th...

by hjmsolar - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2005-12-31 10:42:19 阅读(1391) 回复(5)

Dear All : 有沒有方法可以限制folder的大小,比如說/temp限制它1G,超過1G就不能寫資料進去. Thanks.

by ksc - Solaris - 2003-08-27 15:58:00 阅读(639) 回复(1)

请教/folder/* 和 /folder/ 在find中有什么区别? 当使用find /var/tmp/*时 find /var/tmp/* -type f -mtime +7 bash: /usr/bin/find: Arg list too long 但当使用find /var/tmp/时 find /var/tmp/ -type f -mtime +7 一切正常

by shanrongding - Solaris - 2008-11-24 16:47:23 阅读(1300) 回复(1)


by apple-9101 - AS400 - 2005-10-05 16:27:09 阅读(1857) 回复(6)
