
how to porting gps android

Recently, I have spent 3 working days on porting android to our PXA270 HW platform Brief Condition: HW: PXA270 with PCI and IDE support SW: Linux 2.6.21 source code with our own driver (for PCI & IDE) Linux 2.6.23 source code with android patch Method: 1. porting customized driver from 2.6.21 to 2.6.23 2. porting android patch to 2.6.21 First of all, I must to explain what android Kernel...

by goandroid - 移动操作系统 - 2009-11-09 15:47:22 阅读(1055) 回复(0)


本週六將於北京舉行的「android 技術大會」上發表有關「android 移植」的技術演說,配合該演講,最近將陸續整理一些筆記以搭配講稿供與會朋友參考。 android 的技術優點 android 平臺的好處是「將開發者侷限在應用層(application level)」的開發,並透過一個設計良好的 application framework 將 library 層「包裝起來」。傳統 GNU/Linux 系統的「開源模式」是「從裡到外」全面開放,應用程式來...

by 风中残月 - 移动操作系统 - 2009-06-11 15:14:51 阅读(1999) 回复(0)

原创 android Kernel porting 的简单总结文档 Simple Guide for porting android Kernel 作者:刘旭晖 转载请注明出处 移植android的kernel到实际的硬件平台上,很多人很早就做过这件事了,不过相关的文档和经验总结不多,我就写一个吧,也为了自己记录一下大致的流程,以后好继续。 1 android内核porting相关背景知识 1.1 运行平台 Google的android平台到今天为止(2008-2-27),应用层部分还是以...

by okitamicuki1412 - 移动操作系统 - 2008-11-18 14:37:39 阅读(1184) 回复(0)

android porting Guideline for A1200 by 2008.08.05 1. Prologue Now more and more Google android fans start to port android to the real HW. The earliest successful android porting is achieved on Zaurus; later android also run on OMAP based N810.And some developer ported android onto PXA270 development board. As we know, Motorola A1200 MING serial EZX PDA phones use Intel XSca...

by wxmtwfx - 移动操作系统 - 2008-11-05 11:57:59 阅读(3771) 回复(0)

转自: Recently, I have spent 3 working days on porting android to our PXA270 HW platform Brief Condition: HW: PXA270 with PCI and IDE support SW: Linux 2.6.21 source code with our own driver (for PCI & IDE) Linux 2.6.23 source code with android patch Method: 1. porting customized driver from 2.6.21 to 2.6.23 2. porting ...

by cspyb - 移动操作系统 - 2008-06-04 15:06:26 阅读(1128) 回复(0)

作者:刘旭晖 转载请注明出处 移植android的kernel到实际的硬件平台上,很多人很早就做过这件事了,不过相关的文档和经验总结不多,我就写一个吧,也为了自己记录一下大致的流程,以后好继续。 1 android内核porting相关背景知识 1.1 运行平台 Google的android平台到今天为止(2008-2-27),应用层部分还是以二进制的Binary的形式发布的,其编译的目标平台是...

by goandroid - 移动操作系统 - 2009-11-09 15:34:18 阅读(1660) 回复(0)

1 android内核porting相关背景知识 1.1 运行平台 Google 的android平台到今天为止(2008-2-27),应用层部分还是以二进制的Binary的形式发布的,其编译的目标平台是ARM926EJ-S的 CPU属于ARMV5T的版本,所以ARMV4架构的CPU平台无法使用其二进制代码。关于这点,可以参考下面这篇文章,Benno在此做了详尽的理论分 析和代码测试: 所以目前只有基于ArmV5或以上的架构的平台可...

by yishuihe - 移动操作系统 - 2009-05-27 17:41:37 阅读(1076) 回复(0)

移植android的kernel到实际的硬件平台上,很多人很早就做过这件事了,不过相关的文档和经验总结不多,我就写一个吧,也为了自己记录一下大致的流程,以后好继续。 1 android内核porting相关背景知识 1.1 运行平台 Google的android平台到今天为止(2008-2-27),应用层部分还是以二进制的Binary的形式发布的,其编译的目标平台是 ARM926EJ-S的CPU属于ARMV5T的版本,所以ARMV4架构的CPU平台无法使用其二进制代码。关于这点,可以...

by cspyb - 移动操作系统 - 2008-06-04 15:13:20 阅读(973) 回复(0)

We already have a keyboard dirver in Linux kernel.
Next, let us notice android that we have a keyboard.
/* gpio buttons from linux*/
static struct gpio_keys_button gpio_buttons[] = {

by aokikyon - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-22 08:51:12 阅读(721) 回复(0)

Andorid use vold to manage SD card and it is easy to use.
But I meet many troubles and finally find that the real problem is in the Linux Kernel.
Thanks to the android Mail List.

Part I (kernel)

(1)make sure thus kernel configuration in MMC driver

# CONFIG_MMC_DEBUG is not set...

by aokikyon - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-22 08:51:12 阅读(639) 回复(0)

Rockie's android porting Guide(5)——Change your location and add the screenlock

Today ,I just solved two small questions.
One is changing the system location to CHINA, the other one likes a gift more ,
--a screen lock--and I don not know how to get it.

(I) Change the system location
simple and simple

by aokikyon - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-22 08:51:12 阅读(663) 回复(0)