
oracle 继续循环

On July 28, 2011, oracle announced that it has agreed to acquire InQuira, a best-in-class provider of knowledge management solutions that support web self-service, agent-assisted service, and customer communities. The proposed transaction is subject to customary closing conditions, and is expected to close in the fall of 2011. Until the transaction closes, each company will continue to operate ind...

by westlife521 - Solaris - 2011-08-01 11:56:16 阅读(2460) 回复(9)


我想在一些日志文件中,查找凡是含有“Error”的,取出该行数据和该文件名,并把该行数据和文件名保存到数据库中,下面的 shell为什么不成功呢? #!/bin/sh constr="user/password@DB" sql=`sqlplus -s ${constr} <

by cas0005 - Shell - 2012-03-06 16:53:28 阅读(3435) 回复(11)

开发环境:Solaris 10 数据库:oracle 10g 用PL/SQL管理 开发工具:CC 编译器 OCCI接口 部分代码如下: CoracleWrapper *obj = new CoracleWrapper(user, passwd, db); string sqlStr = "select * from tableOne where IsActive=1"; string updateStr = "update tableOne set querynow=1 where taskid=5"; while(true) { ResultSet* querySet = obj->ExecuteQuery(sqlStr); while(querySet->next()) { int stateValue = ...

by iacxin099 - Oracle - 2010-06-25 11:50:15 阅读(2300) 回复(4)

oracle 中怎么写循环插入数据脚本啊

by kanhfshiys - Oracle - 2010-01-22 11:10:15 阅读(6176) 回复(4)

又出现了新问题。。 安装的log如下: *** Install Page*** Starting install install phase 1 of component Java Runtime Environment Calling action fileActions2. finalClusterSetup selectedNodes = threadsActive = 2 vectorInitialSize = 50 vectorFactorSize = 25 Calling action fileActions2. copyExpandedGroup selectedNodes = copyGroup = bin permissions = 775 owner = null group ...

by oncer - Oracle - 2006-09-04 12:01:21 阅读(954) 回复(0)

安装到"File Locations"界面,我选默认点"下一步"报错:Unable to create directory /home/oracle/product/9.2. You may not have proper permission to create the directory or there is no space left in the volume.Not able to creat the 'Oeacle Home' you specified.然后我建立了/home/oracle/product/9.2目录,重新执行还是不可以,df -k 输出: /dev/dsk/c0t0d0s0 494235 268744 176068 61% / /dev/dsk/c0t0...

by 背景离乡 - Oracle - 2006-04-04 16:48:08 阅读(965) 回复(1)

我是在redhat9 上安装8.17,65%出现 安转出错! 我也按论坛上操作( Edit the file $oracle_HOME/ctx/lib/, go to "INSO_LINK =", and add a "$(LDLIBFLAG)dl" to the line and save it. Here is the full line with the added "$(LDLIBFLAG)dl" flag: INSO_LINK = -L$(CTXLIB) $(LDLIBFLAG)m $(LDLIBFLAG)dl $(LDLIBFLAG)sc_ca $(LDLIBFLAG)sc_fa $(LDLIBFLAG)sc_ex $(LDLIBFLAG)sc_da $(LDLIBFLAG)s...

by xuwenchao2008 - Oracle - 2004-03-18 11:32:11 阅读(1651) 回复(13)

本帖最后由 jjqing 于 2011-08-23 23:59 编辑 今天在windowsXP客户端上面使用dbd::oracle对数据库进行大批量查询时发现,perl.exe对内存的使用是不断上涨,直到2G时,报out of memory然后退出。 为了测试这个问题,我用了一个简单的查询来进行模拟,使用了三种方法来使用DBD::oracle,由于简单查询不可能把内存使用达到2G,因此,我只是想说明,在这三种方法中,perl.exe的内存都是在不断上涨的,想请各位指导一下,如何释放内...

by jjqing - Perl - 2011-08-25 09:43:29 阅读(2922) 回复(3)

上次备份没有结束,因为断电,导致了oracle 数据库和盘阵,带库全部宕机,回复后重启备份,有的磁带就报这个错误,应该如何解决,这些磁带还可以重用不?

by 13848103304 - 存储备份 - 2010-08-26 20:26:40 阅读(3092) 回复(7)

出现问题的情况是这样的, 我需要读取一个文件,按行读取,直至读完. 每读一行的时候根据读取的值生成update语句,然后update数据库. 现在小弟在循环中做连接的时候总是过不了,return code 为非正常值, 且无提示信息.以下为出现问题的代码,请指教. temp_file=${APP_INPUT_DIR}temp.dat cat ${inputfile} >> ${temp_file} while read -r line do accoutno=`echo "$line" | cut -c 1-10` statementdate=`echo "$line" | cut -c 12-18` p...

by sky2004gy - Shell - 2005-05-31 11:12:08 阅读(1456) 回复(3)