
apachetomcat5526zip for 2008


by suco - Solaris - 2009-07-15 15:27:46 阅读(1373) 回复(4)


What does this do? L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] zip(*(iter(L),)*3) Firstly python reference中的解释: zip([iterable,...]) returns a list of tuple, where the i-th element from each argument sequences or iterables.The returned list is truncated in length to the length of the shortest argument sequence. 返回一个tuple的列表。比如:>>> x = [1,2,3] >>> y = [4,5,6] >>> zipped = zip(x,y) >>> zipped [(1,4),(2,...

by yangguosdxl - Python文档中心 - 2009-04-14 16:26:27 阅读(1531) 回复(0)

Introducing zip The zip file format, introduced in 1989, helps computer users transport large files by removing the empty spaces and redundant information from a file and by packaging multiple files into one bundle. Originally created by Phil Katz for the shareware program PKzip, zip is a speedy, reliable, and open-specification compression format. These factors made zip a hit among PC users, and...

by liuxingyuyuni - php文档中心 - 2008-02-04 09:21:04 阅读(902) 回复(0)

String start_time = Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)+"_" +(Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.MONTH)+1)+"_" +Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.DATE); //获取tomcat路径 String paths = String.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("")); //源文件目录或文件 String inputFileName = paths.substring(5,paths.indexOf("WEB-INF/classes/"))+"export"; //目标...

by lilinbinglinux - Java文档中心 - 2007-05-23 15:52:08 阅读(937) 回复(0)

文件: 大小: 28KB 下载: 下载 版权属于原作者!请尊重版权! 1、由 的sluke翻译制作。 2、上传到你的空间就可以使用了,为了安全,请修改为只有您知道的文件名,例如sluke_cool.php 3、原版里有其他国家的语言,我删除了 4、如果要设置密码,请设置.htaccess和.htpasswd 5、拜托,尊重一下原作者版权~有问题到 问 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:http://blog.chin...

by w3g8 - php文档中心 - 2007-04-23 11:15:38 阅读(972) 回复(0)

我先用一个脚本 执行压缩 [code]if (ls svc_access_log);then zip -rq svc_sccess_log fi[/code] 会提示 [code]zip error: Nothing to do! (try: zip -rq . -i svc_sccess_log)[/code] 然后我改为 [code]if (ls svc_access_log);then zip -rq . -i svc_sccess_log f[/code] 会提示 [code] zip error: Nothing to do! ([/code] shell能做zip吗 怎么做?

by hoo7 - Shell - 2006-08-18 14:16:55 阅读(1649) 回复(1)下载相应版本 gzip -d -c unzip5.2.tar | tar -xvf - (for AIX5.2) gzip -d -c unzip5.3.tar | tar -xvf - (for AIX5.3) # find / -name unzip -print /usr/bin/usr/local/bin/unzip cp /usr/bin/usr/local/bin/unzip /usr/bin

by chinahdx - AIX - 2005-12-12 12:00:54 阅读(1384) 回复(2)


by czh_zidane - Linux论坛 - 2005-11-07 17:30:32 阅读(1019) 回复(9)


by zxllxz - 其他UNIX - 2005-09-04 18:24:40 阅读(1442) 回复(2)

:shock: 请教一个问题,如何在Solaris8里面添加访问USB口的zip250? 还有一个问题是如何限制FTP用户的登陆文件夹?需要用到组来管理的话 怎样定义一个组呢? 3Q!

by bluebird_x - Solaris - 2004-12-09 16:21:53 阅读(872) 回复(0)

在solaris里面,*.zip 怎么解? 有办法吗? 是不是要第三方软件呢? 谢谢!

by mmmpei - Solaris - 2004-08-09 14:49:11 阅读(1338) 回复(9)