

Table Manipulation Lets say you made your table, and all the data has been added to it. Now you have come across a problem... your limit for characters in that particular column is too small for what you now need. You don't want to have to delete all of this data, yet, you have to change your table some how. Fret no more everyone, you can manipulate your tables that have alr...

by bj2008_0201 - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-09-25 14:14:55 阅读(1146) 回复(0)


mysql alter 语句用法,添加、修改、删除字段等 //主键 alter table tabelname add new_field_id int(5) unsigned default 0 not null auto_increment ,add primary key (new_field_id); //增加一个新列 alter table t2 add d timestamp; alter table infos add ex tinyint not null default '0'; //删除列 alter table t2 drop column c; //重命名列 alter table t1 change a b integer; //改变列的类型 alter table t1 change b ...

by 66alice88 - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-01-08 10:56:38 阅读(679) 回复(0)

alter procedure 语句具体怎么用。具体语法,最好能举个例!TKS!

by rubby - Informix - 2004-09-28 16:26:24 阅读(1781) 回复(3)

alter table gz_tcjhdjb lock mode row 这句说语法错。错在哪? 另外,是否有方法看某表当前是什么锁?

by jchc - Informix - 2004-04-15 12:26:07 阅读(4433) 回复(4)

重点: mysql alter 语句用法,添加、修改、删除字段等 源地址: 您正在看的MySQL教程是:MySQL数据库学习笔记。   MySQL数据库学习笔记 (实验环境:Redhat9.0,MySQL3.23.54) 纲要: 一,连接MySQL 二,MySQL管理与授权 三,数据库简单操作 四, 数据库备份 五,后记 一,连接MySQL 格式:mysql -h 远程主机地址 -u 用户名 -p 回车 输入密码进入: mysql -...

by militala - MySQL文档中心 - 2009-01-02 19:49:23 阅读(1414) 回复(0)

mysql alter 语句用法,添加、修改、删除字段 上一篇 / 下一篇 2008-09-19 22:47:26 查看( 6 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 ) //主键 alter table tabelname add new_field_id int(5) unsigned default 0 not null auto_increment ,add primary key (new_field_id); //增加一个新列 alter table t2 add d timestamp; alter table infos add ex tinyint not null default '0'; //删除列 alter table t2 drop column c; /...

by uinion - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-09-23 14:26:08 阅读(2684) 回复(0)

orcle备份时,语句alter tablespace临时表空间出错,语句如下: alter tablespace temp begin backup; ORA-03217: invalid option for alter of TEMPORARY TABLESPACE 是不是临时表空间不用备份啊

by yanghz - Oracle - 2006-12-06 14:59:05 阅读(1603) 回复(1)

对表空间使用语句alter tablespace "TEMPSPACE" coalesce;可以整理碎片,但是我在一本书上看到说仅能整理把最多8个碎片连在一起,请问是这样吗??

by ohwww - Oracle - 2004-06-03 09:35:21 阅读(3135) 回复(4)

目的是把自动增加域重置,以前在 php4.2.3+mysql3.0 上执行正常,现在在 php4.3.4+mysql4.1 上却不成功。相关代码如下: [code]$sum_result=mysql_query("select max(code) from jilu"); $sum=mysql_result($sum_result,0,"max(code)")+1; echo $sum; /* 查看值是否被正确重置 */ $a=mysql_query("alter table jilu auto_increment=".$sum); if (!empty($a)) echo "OK!"; [/code] echo sum显示是正确的,可下面的alter...

by 左看又看 - MySQL - 2006-01-14 16:27:22 阅读(1515) 回复(2)
by faceDragon - DB2 - 2005-02-17 01:00:08 阅读(2523) 回复(4)
by budan - Oracle - 2003-07-21 10:17:05 阅读(911) 回复(0)