

acm problem 763和465 我把论坛上搜索到的test file都测试了,都是对的,但是死活就是WA 有没有AC的高手指教一下!谢谢了~~~

by flyintwink - C/C++ - 2006-05-09 10:30:32 阅读(769) 回复(1)


我们学校现在放假,我在学校的acm系统做题目; 有经验的前辈教我一下,是否要把输入知道EOF放到一个字符串中? 我学C的

by 文化机器人 - C/C++ - 2009-01-12 13:02:24 阅读(4800) 回复(13)

[CODE] #include #include typedef struct land { int up; int down; int left; int right; }lands; int max(int i,int m,int j ,int b[][50]) { int sss; int q,p; sss=0; for(q=0;q<=i-1;q++) for(p=0;p=sss) { sss=b[q][p]; } } for(p=0;p<=j;p++) { if(b[p]>=sss) ...

by dianlongliu - C/C++ - 2008-05-11 11:06:42 阅读(1228) 回复(0)

一个下午终于把前天acm没有做出来的提搞定拉. 大家看看有没有更优的解拉.. 题意:基本就是求缺少的铁路数. There are n cities in A country. The country has already built part of a railway. The both sides of the railway are connecting different cities, and a two-way street. Some cities may not connect (Together means with direct access or indirectly up). In order to cause the transportation to be unimpede...

by dianlongliu - C/C++ - 2008-04-30 13:55:06 阅读(1343) 回复(0)

acm大赛的题目,没有Python语言的编译器,所以在这里写个看看。已经通过了题目要求的实例。 把浮点数转换成了字符串,处理,然后转换成整数,处理,在转会字符串处理,哈哈,有意思。 from string import * """ s = '95.123' length = len(s) - find(s,'.') - 1 point = length * 12 -1 s = replace(s,'.','') integ = pow(int(s),12) integ = str(integ) f = integ[:point] + '.' + integ[point:] print f """ def acm_1001(): ...

by rockylinux - Python文档中心 - 2006-09-26 10:34:18 阅读(1320) 回复(0)

第33届acm ICPC国际大学生程序设计大赛决赛在斯德哥尔摩瑞典皇家技术学院落下帷幕。 世界冠军被俄罗斯的圣彼得堡IT、机械和光学大学(Saint Petersburg State University of IT, Mechanics and Optics)摘得,这是它连续第二年赢得这项荣誉,它战胜了来自6大洲的99支参赛队伍。 比赛结果如下:清华大学第二,圣彼得堡国立大学第三,萨拉托夫国立大学第四,牛津大学第五,六至十名分别是浙江大学、MIT、Altai州立理工大学、华沙大学...

by glasslion - C/C++ - 2009-05-04 20:18:26 阅读(15566) 回复(43)

Problem E Bit Compressor Input File: The aim of data compression is to reduce redundancy in stored or communicated data. This increases effective data density and speeds up data transfer rates. One possible method to compress any binary message is the following: Replace any maximal sequence of n 1’s with the binary version of n whenever it shortens the length of the message. For exam...

by wwwiaskcom - C/C++ - 2009-01-07 19:51:52 阅读(1726) 回复(0)


by 端午粽子节 - C/C++ - 2007-06-20 10:06:27 阅读(991) 回复(2)