
cannot set terminal process group (1) Inappropriate ioctl for device解决

出现fsck: ioctl _FIOGETSUPERBLOCK error: inappropriate ioctl for device是系统问题还是硬件问题,请问该如何解决????

by romalql - Solaris - 2007-03-22 16:03:57 阅读(2968) 回复(2)



by ihere - BSD - 2006-10-20 09:54:20 阅读(2954) 回复(2)

SOLARIA9,在VM下安装了补丁后,重起后就出现inappropriate ioctl for device,应该怎么解决?

by weifenghq - Solaris - 2006-02-20 11:17:09 阅读(1333) 回复(1)

机器在做完系统镜像以后,出现如下错误: DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d5 dev/md/dsk/d5 is clean DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d4 dev/md/dsk/d4 is clean DKIOCINFO:Inappropritate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d6 dev/md/dsk/d6 is clean

by surreal - Solaris - 2005-01-10 11:36:45 阅读(898) 回复(1)

做完系统镜像以后,就出现了这个错误,启动的时候会报: DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d5 dev/md/dsk/d5 is clean DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d4 dev/md/dsk/d4 is clean DKIOCINFO: inappropriate ioctl for device device:dev/md/dsk/d6 dev/md/dsk/d6 is clean 但系统镜像似乎没有失败的说,由disk 0和disk1启动均正常, 除了这个报错。 md.tab里面的内...

by surreal - Solaris - 2005-01-10 12:22:21 阅读(1474) 回复(2)

连接时my $dbh_p = DBI->connect("DBI:Informix:database1",报错: failed: SQL: -25588: The appl process cannot connect to the database server 有知道原因的吗? 用dbaccess dbname好象最下面也有报25588的错。 IDS9.4UC

by rongy - Informix - 2006-11-30 15:10:48 阅读(1873) 回复(2)

突然出现这个问题 listener-thread: err = -25571: oserr = 0: errstr = : cannot create an user thread. On NT check username, and IXUSERS group 数据库不能访问 , 谁知道怎么回事吗 谢谢~ [ 本帖最后由 sami 于 2007-7-13 10:06 编辑 ]

by sami - Informix - 2007-07-13 10:06:26 阅读(3672) 回复(1)


by ihere - Perl - 2006-10-20 11:52:12 阅读(5478) 回复(4)

奇怪问题: 在AIX 5.1下为什么不能切换用户? # su - sybase cannot set process environment. # ls -l /sybase/.profile -rwxr----- 1 sybase sybase 573 Jun 26 16:22 /sybase/.profile SU到其他用户都不行, # su - oracle cannot set process environment. 在图形终端下也只有root可以登陆,为什么会这样??

by matata - AIX - 2003-06-27 22:20:22 阅读(4008) 回复(9)

新安装的AIX5.1因為沒有vga卡,只好使用terminal 裝完第一片出現 set terminal Type The terminal is not properly initialized. Please enter a terminal type and press Enter. Some terminal types are not supported in non-English languages. ibm3101 tvi912 vt330 ibm3151 tvi920 vt340 ibm3161 tvi925 wyse30 ibm3162 tvi950 ...

by sanking7 - AIX - 2006-01-03 15:51:20 阅读(1115) 回复(1)

一个傻瓜问题请教。。。 43P 140机器,新安装的AIX51。。。 笔记本是IBM 2645 600X 启动过程过后,在登陆前提示,选择terminal type,不知该选哪种。。 开始的时候俺都给跳过了,现在要用SMIT。提示: # smit The environment variable TERM is currently set to a terminal type that does not support the full screen display capabilities required for SMIT. set TERM to an appropriate terminal type or use another te...

by blueme - AIX - 2011-04-02 20:33:44 阅读(8800) 回复(10)