
hy57v561620F 内存频率

我们开发一款嵌入式设备,cup:at91rm9200,系统是:LINUX_2.6,sdram:hy57V561620,工作电源:3.25V。在系统运行很快就会出现严重的死机现象,系统提示好像死在了LCD驱动程序里,但在这之前我们使用的SDRAM是hy57V561620CLT_HI,却一直正常。由于hy57V561620CLT_HI停产,不得不改用hy57v561620fTP_HI,却出现了这种莫名奇妙的死机,系统信息情况如下: Internal error: Oops - undefined instruction: 0 [#2] Modules linked in: CP...

by charlieshao - 嵌入式开发 - 2009-07-17 13:42:55 阅读(1044) 回复(1)



by L_kernel - 嵌入式开发 - 2011-03-30 15:48:40 阅读(3520) 回复(2)

我在无锡 电话:137-7100-0793 可上门看货. 要的速联系. :mrgreen::mrgreen:

by happy2008163 - 二手交易 - 2007-06-01 21:40:15 阅读(1372) 回复(1)

ERROR 2002 (hy000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 每次都是这个问题。装了 N次 还是一样。 /tmp/mysql.sock 没有这个 mysql.sock 每次装都没有

by liang3391 - MySQL - 2008-09-09 11:32:57 阅读(2088) 回复(4)

ERROR 2002 (hy000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/tmp/mysql.sock' (2) 解决: 1.#ps -A|grep mysql 显示类似: 1829 ? 00:00:00 mysqld_safe 1876 ? 00:00:31 mysqld 2.#kill -9 1829 3.#kill -9 1876 4.#/etc/init.d/mysql restart 5.#mysql -u root -p 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by wiThouTTears - Linux文档专区 - 2007-05-03 09:42:43 阅读(614) 回复(0)


mysql> start slave;

by jonelaw - MySQL - 2011-12-20 09:46:31 阅读(589) 回复(0)

Server-249 data # mysql -uroot -p Enter password: ERROR 2002 (hy000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/msn/data/' (111) 这样就不行,必须要以下这样,这是为什么呢???以前不是这样的啊 Server-249 data # mysql -uroot -p -S /tmp/mysql.sock Enter password: Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3 Server version: 5.1.42-...

by chen8103 - MySQL - 2010-01-19 17:28:08 阅读(2328) 回复(7)

我登录MySQL时 输入密码后 提示: ERROR 2003 (hy000): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'host' (10060) 找了半天没有解决办法,希望高手帮忙。 版本:5.1.30

by zcm211 - MySQL - 2009-02-16 09:42:09 阅读(3041) 回复(6)

工作日志之-MySQL slave Replication Error Description: mysql> start slave; ERROR 1201 (hy000): Could not initialize master info structure; more error messages can be found in the MySQL error log [root@slave ~]# tail /var/log/mysqld.log 090105 11:53:52 [ERROR] Failed to open the relay log '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld-relay-bin.000013' (relay_log_pos 235) 090105 11:53:52 [ERROR] Could not find target log...

by nianzong - MySQL文档中心 - 2009-01-05 14:56:56 阅读(1495) 回复(0)

今天要写一个函数.但没有办法建提示错误如下: mysql> CREATE FUNCTION hello (s CHAR(20)) RETURNS CHAR(50) -> RETURN CONCAT('Hello, ',s,'!'); -> // ERROR 1418 (hy000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable) 解决方式:(编缉my.cnf,添加如下)...

by hb_li_520 - MySQL文档中心 - 2007-07-25 19:23:09 阅读(1242) 回复(0)

在数据库中建了几张表,但是建到这张的时候就出现了这个问题。 在这之前也出现了这个问题,但当我将foreign key (Te_na) references teacher改成foreign key (Te_na) references teacher(Te_na)后就没有这个问题了,但是到了这张表又就出现这个问题了 drop table if exists stu_app; create table stu_app( Te_na varchar(20) not null, Stu_na varchar(20) not null, Obj_title varchar(30) not...

by linuxfengzi - MySQL - 2013-12-15 22:16:14 阅读(2160) 回复(0)