
erlang rpc模块

# Client stuff use rpc; my $conn = rpc->connect($host, $port); my $answer = $conn->rpc('ask_sheep',"Ba ba black sheep, have you any wool ?"); # Server stuff rpc->new_rpc_server($host, $port); rpc->event_loop(); sub ask_sheep { # Sample subroutine to be invoked from client print "Question: @_\n"; return "No"; } 上面是rpc的客户端和服务端的调用,但是我找不到rpc.pm模块文件,请问在哪里能下载到? 我在网...

by risepp - Perl - 2009-05-18 10:38:37 阅读(1735) 回复(2)


客户端有windows平台 和linux 等

by flw2 - Perl - 2006-03-13 20:47:46 阅读(1302) 回复(0)

在查看zenoss的相关资源时,发现在Zenoss Enhancement Proposals中关于ZenAgent的话题中,提到了它们 1. AMP: twisted.protocols.amp,Asynchronous Messaging Protocol, 使用起来很方便简单。 To make a long story short, it's less powerful than PB, but a whole lot simpler. It has asynchronous messaging and argument marshalling between endpoints, but not arbitrary objects. I have found that this hits the sw...

by chenhouwu - Python文档中心 - 2007-03-16 20:30:59 阅读(2215) 回复(0)

    rpc(Remote Procedure Call Protocol)——远程过程调用协议,它是一种通过网络从远程计算机程序上请求服务,而不需要了解底层网络技术的协议。rpc协议假定某些传输协议的存在,如TCP或UDP,为通信程序之间携带信息数据。在OSI网络通信模型中,rpc跨越了传输层和应用层。rpc使得开发包括网络分布式多程序在内的应用程序更加容易。

by cnscgyl - 数据安全 - 2011-12-23 03:00:08 阅读(1029) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 shijiang1130 于 2014-10-02 19:13 编辑 [code]-module(tracert). -export([run/0]). run() -> P5 = erlang:open_port({spawn, "tracert"}, [stderr_to_stdout, in, exit_status,stream, {line, 255}]), loop(P5). loop(P) -> receive {P,{exit_status,_}} -> io:format("Pid been killed, try restart ...~n"), run(); {P, Data} -> ...

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2016-05-17 17:51:36 阅读(600) 回复(2)

注意: 从erlang R17才可供使用。 8> maps:new(). #{} 9> F1 = #{a=>32424223,b=>444444444}. #{a => 32424223,b => 444444444} 10> F1. #{a => 32424223,b => 444444444}

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2014-09-09 09:23:30 阅读(874) 回复(4)

偶然间看到 erlang和excel 的结合使用的例子

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2016-04-22 16:38:48 阅读(2881) 回复(2)

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2014-10-21 10:20:32 阅读(958) 回复(7)

[code]1> inets:start(). ok 2> yaws_soap_lib:call( "", "GetWeatherByPlaceName", ["Boston"]).[/code]

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2016-03-14 22:02:07 阅读(747) 回复(2)

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2014-10-22 17:36:38 阅读(911) 回复(4)

lists:usort/1[code]11> A=[1,1,22,3,33,22]. [1,1,22,3,33,22] 12> lists:usort(A). [1,3,22,33] 13> [/code]

by shijiang1130 - Erlang - 2016-05-22 15:19:10 阅读(709) 回复(5)