
GHC 安装

看了几篇文章,ghc 这个东西用来学 haskell 应该是不错的,可是它的源代码安装好像有些难。 可是用了 bootstrap 技术,可是说明看了半天没看明白。 我的是 lfs 系统,没有安 python,难道是这个原因? 如果哪位大侠能指点一下,不胜感激。 [ 本帖最后由 drunkedcat 于 2008-9-10 09:20 编辑 ]

by drunkedcat - Functional编程 - 2008-09-10 09:23:34 阅读(8461) 回复(22)


============================================================== The (Interactive) Glasgow Haskell Compiler -- version 6.12.1 ============================================================== The ghc Team is pleased to announce a new major release of ghc. There have been a number of significant changes since the last major release, including: * Considerably improved support for parallel executio...

by MMMIX - Functional编程 - 2009-12-15 20:39:17 阅读(2971) 回复(2)

ghc 专门的 blog

by MMMIX - Functional编程 - 2011-12-02 15:26:35 阅读(3556) 回复(1)

ghc 6.10.1 发布 There have been a number of significant changes since the last major release, including: * Some new language features have been implemented: * Record syntax: wild-card patterns, punning, and field disambiguation * Generalised quasi-quotes * Generalised list comprehensions * View patterns * Type families have been completely re-implemented * Now comes with Haddock 2, ...

by MMMIX - Functional编程 - 2008-11-06 11:40:28 阅读(3067) 回复(5)

ghc 的 profiling system 在其用户手册的第六章 Profiling 中介绍,包括 time 和 space(memory) profiling 两部分。 一、编译 1. 在编译时加 -prof -auto-all 2. 通过 SCC(Set Cost Centre) 手工添加 Cost Centre, 语法为 {-# SCC "name" #-} 二、获取 time profiling 信息 1. 运行时传入 +RTS -p -RTS, 然后可从生成的以 .prof 为后缀的文件中获取 profiling 信息。 NB. ...

by MMMIX - Functional编程 - 2008-10-11 17:09:27 阅读(2523) 回复(1)

ghc 和 hugs 的 indent 是有区别的吗? 具体应该是什么样的呢? 我按 yaht 写的一个 Guess.hs 执行结果如下: lfs_625:wizard | Wed 10 Sep 2008 09:56:39 AM GMT | ~/programe/haskell $runhugs Guess.hs I'm thinking of a number between 1 and 100 Enter your guess: lfs_625:wizard | Wed 10 Sep 2008 09:56:51 AM GMT | ~/programe/haskell $runhaskell Guess.hs Guess.hs:17:2: parse error (possibly incorrect ...

by drunkedcat - Functional编程 - 2008-09-29 16:56:00 阅读(4615) 回复(11)

昨天晚上再看realworld haskell那本书稿的第8张,顺手用第八章讲的实例代码实现了一个简单的find命令。 当我用ghc -O2编译的时候,发现这个find需要使用pthread、gmp等几个的动态库。可惜我的机器是单核的,不能实验它的并行化效果怎么样。大家谁的机器比较好,可以试试。

by freearth - CPU与编译器 - 2008-09-03 09:17:15 阅读(2775) 回复(0)

标 题: Haskell Platform 2011.2.0.0 发布,基于 ghc 7.0.2

by flw - Functional编程 - 2011-03-22 16:41:16 阅读(4939) 回复(0)

例如 ghc foo.hs 編譯的其間會調用gcc 如果我想向gcc傳遞 "-s" 參數 應該怎樣? 現在只能在編譯出來後再用 strip -s foo.exe

by lokchungk - Functional编程 - 2009-07-25 10:33:10 阅读(3239) 回复(1)