
opmnctl startall starting opmn and all managed processes Can not resolve localhostlocaldomain f

C2平台,c2-linux-g++编译的应用程序,链接了libusb和一个自己编译的库,都是用c2-linux-g++编译的, 真正执行的时候报错can't resolve symbol ‘main’ 。 库里面没有多余main函数,但是却找不到main,还链接了pthread rt等库。 请问,这是为什么?怎么解决?

by ruger - 嵌入式开发 - 2011-01-27 13:24:41 阅读(5982) 回复(3)


文件系统中已有lib库。但busybox在初始化时出错: can't resolve symbol "mallopt" 换了个新版的lib后出现: can't resolve symbol "open64" busybox: 1.18.2 uClibc: 0.9.31 请教下是不是库的问题?为什么换了个库还是不行?要如何解决?谢谢!

by funjiang - 嵌入式开发 - 2011-01-27 09:39:37 阅读(3126) 回复(0)

大家好,交叉编译ghostscript软件到我的板子上面运行但是出现了 gs: can't resolve symbol 'ceil' 错误。 不知道出现上面问题是缺少什么库吗?我看到有朋友说是因为 连接动态库的时候出现错误的原因,但是我还不知道该如何 解决这个问题,望大家帮忙,谢谢。

by cltnet - 嵌入式开发 - 2012-11-28 16:40:18 阅读(10794) 回复(2)

I 've got incidents with awstats' problem I had create a new awstats monitor Email server , install and config everything is ok But I can update the mail server log,like this situation:

by simonfirst - Linux系统管理 - 2009-02-20 15:37:40 阅读(1133) 回复(2)

我用hlfs-uclibc的方法制作出了一个工具链,使用它编译出的bash,apache等工具都是可正常使用, 编译asterisk时也是非常顺利,但在执行astersk && asterisk -c时时会有很多错误: asterisk: symbol 'ast_monitor_stop' : can't resolve in lib '/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/' . [Nov 5 06:44:48] WARNING[12310]: loader.c:360 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '' : Bad handle …………还...

by fengyun_52 - VoIP开发技术 - 2007-11-05 15:07:13 阅读(4068) 回复(0)

我的编译环境是2.6.19 openvpn-2.0.0 lzo-2.0.3 openssl-0.9.8e 编译过程比较顺利,就是最后openvpn不能运行,查看log出现 openvpn: can't resolve symbol 'fopen64' 这个信息就退出了,望各位帮忙解答,谢谢。

by cltnet - 服务器应用 - 2010-10-25 09:22:38 阅读(3120) 回复(1)

assume a>;=0,b>;0, please write a recursive query with SQL to caculate the division a/b with a=q*b+r, here q is quotient and r is the rest. You must use the algorithms: // input: a, b, with a>;=0, b>;0 q:=0; r:=a; while r>;=b do r:=r-b; q:=q+1; end; //output: q, r with a=q*b+r

by gospiel - DB2 - 2004-06-08 18:47:38 阅读(950) 回复(0)

My system is debian/woody ,postfix+Cyrus-sasl+imap,It works fine for about 2 months,but today I got these messages and many mails has been defered for about 5 days: ############ Copy from my /var/log/mail.log ############ Jun 25 00:46:56 mcgroups postfix/pipe[30702]: B5D2E24A3: to=;\ , relay=cyrus, delay=23963, status=deferred (temporary failure) ################################...

by bsd4lzx - 服务器应用 - 2003-07-29 14:47:00 阅读(983) 回复(0)

1.基本概念: A RUNNING INSTANCE OF A PROGRAM IS CallED A PROCESS.程序的一个运行实例,称为一个进程。 1.2查看进程:ps 查看所有进程ps -e ps -e -o pid,ppid,command 1.3杀掉进程 kill 向某个进程发送SIGTERM信号 2 创建进程:Two Methods 2.1(1)system call: system("***"), 位于Standard C Lib 2.2(2)Using fork and exec function: fork: makes a child process that is an exact copy of its parent process. exec fa...

by cfig - Linux文档专区 - 2009-01-12 22:19:54 阅读(765) 回复(0)

Dear all : can i delete all /var/tmp files ? Thanks!

by ksc - Solaris - 2004-03-02 12:34:00 阅读(1021) 回复(3)

Dear all :\r\n can i delete all /var/tmp files ?\r\n Thanks!

by ksc - Solaris - 2004-03-02 12:34:00 阅读(2820) 回复(2)