
Hunt 05 S级素人

文件: treasurehunt.rar 大小: 0KB 下载: 下载 参考地址: 根据一个矩阵,利用向上、向下、向左、向右,找到其中的一个元 # Treasure hunt: you start out in a random room in a 4x4 grid with # these room numbers: # # 0 1 2 3 # 4 5 6 7 # 8 9 10 11 # 12 13 14 15 # # There is a treasure i...

by blackjimmy - Python文档中心 - 2009-04-04 19:44:35 阅读(1115) 回复(0)


hunt(1) hunt(1) NAME hunt - Network security auditing tool. SYNOPSIS hunt [-V] [-v] [-i interface] DESCRIPTION This manual page documents briefly the hunt command. This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution because the original program does not have a manual page. Instead, it has documentation in ...

by businesslcp - Linux文档专区 - 2007-09-02 00:16:20 阅读(593) 回复(0)

/* * hunt * * Copyright (C) 1998 kra * Designed and implemented by kra * */ DISCLAIMER ---------- Authors are not responsible of any damages this software can cause. READ FIRST ---------- Please make sure you KNOW what you are doing before using hunt. It is recommended that you should test how it behaves on some test connections and then use it wisely. OVERVIEW -------- hunt is a program fo...

by businesslcp - Linux文档专区 - 2007-09-02 00:15:37 阅读(641) 回复(0)

上个月Product hunt(此前报道点这里)的创始 Ryan Hoover说他看到了第三方开发者对Product hunt的热情,决定开放API。今天,有这样11个服务开始可以调用Product hunt的API了: 1、 huntlytics: 对Product hunt上发布的产品进行简单的数据追踪分析 2、 Product hunt Roulette : 一次只浏览一个app的应用探索、发现服务 3、 Producthunter Chrome Extension :Product hunt的Chrome插件,可以不需打开Product hunt主页快捷浏...

by Patagonia - IT资讯 - 2014-08-18 09:54:21 阅读(498) 回复(0)

官方主页在这儿打不开,只有靠各位xdjm们帮忙了 我的mail是

by 旅客 - 数据安全 - 2004-09-22 19:26:11 阅读(1350) 回复(4)


by 旅客 - 攻防交流区 - 2004-09-21 13:11:07 阅读(3018) 回复(3)