
Got RemoteException sending setActive(false) notification to pid

got ENXIO error when sending NS. I had checked IPv6 code and didn't find any place to report this error. The only possible place is when delete IP in function inet6_addr_del() as below: dev = __dev_get_by_index(net, ifindex); if (!dev) return -ENODEV; if ((idev = __in6_dev_get(dev)) == NULL) return -ENXIO; my socket is created by: socket( PF_...

by coolg92003 - 内核源码 - 2012-10-07 11:53:17 阅读(906) 回复(0)


notification 由于做Android 播放器,要实现程序隐藏,展现,通过 notification 实现切换。 notification 代码如下:[code]String notificationMessage = ((Audio) obj).name_label; notification notification = new notification(R.drawable.icon,notificationMessage, System.currentTimeMillis()); try { Intent contentIntent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), Class.forName("com.***...


by cu_Cbear - 移动操作系统 - 2011-12-23 23:24:06 阅读(1082) 回复(1)

你的上次对我提的问题“很菜的问题”的答复中的: 4.x 为/dev/rz8 5.x /dev/disk/dsk0 4.x 的命名规则是:bus X2 + target #scu show edt Bus: 2, Target: 1, Lun: 0 它的名字就是/dev/rz17 5.x 命名是从/dev/disk/dsk0 依次加的。 中的“4.x 的命名规则是:bus X2 + target” 是不是应该为:“4.x 的命名规则是:bus *8 + target” ? 谢谢!

by leyearn - 其他UNIX - 2003-07-25 10:53:03 阅读(1189) 回复(1)

chechunli@chechunli-PC:notification $ tree
|-- AndroidManifest.xml
|-- res
|   |-- drawable
|   |   |-- icon.png
|   |   `-- offine.png

by checl1987_EE - 移动操作系统 - 2011-02-09 16:21:42 阅读(800) 回复(0)

[code] >>> while false: ... print 'while' ... else: ... print 'else' ... else >>> while 0: ... print 'while' ... else: ... print 'else' ... >>> [/code] 这里0和Fasle不相同吗?

by izhier - Python - 2008-09-22 16:15:50 阅读(2022) 回复(9)

>>> True = false >>> print false false >>> print True false >>>

by lvxinzhi - Python - 2007-01-29 12:24:29 阅读(1848) 回复(3)

the following statement is true or false: True or false: When you use extended IP access lists to restrict vty access, the matching logic is a best match of the list rather than a first match in the list. can anybody help me to explain it, i extract it from ccna guide book, i dont really understand the meaning, thanx!

by nzq90 - 网络技术 - 2003-05-24 18:07:40 阅读(1127) 回复(1)

the following statement is true or false:\r\nTrue or false: When you use extended IP access lists to restrict vty access, the matching logic is a best match of the list rather than a first match in the list. can anybody help me to explain it, i extract it from ccna guide book, i dont really understand the meaning, thanx!

by nzq90 - 企业网管技术交流区 - 2003-05-24 18:07:40 阅读(2837) 回复(1)

我在开发板上运行一程序,显示如下错误,GOOGLE了下说是内存对齐或是代码里有错误造成的,这程序之前是可以跑的,换了个扳子就不行了... 这个错误的原因一般是怎么造成的啊? 有知道的帮解释一下吧,谢谢了... sending SIGBUS to "XXX" due to unaligned access ( PC FFFEF48C PR FFFEF48C )

by dd8924 - Linux环境编程 - 2012-01-15 11:31:12 阅读(1758) 回复(1)

when I send eamil from AIX system, how can I attach a file with email?

by bigtong - AIX - 2009-07-23 03:34:26 阅读(2991) 回复(0)