
varchivedlog name

韩版豆腐渣 日食

by folklore - IT生活 - 2013-11-06 15:27:36 阅读(264) 回复(4)


class Person: def __init__(self, name): = name def sayHi(self): print 'Hello, my name is', p = Person('Swaroop') p.sayHi() 这两个name怎么理解? 新手,请莫见笑。

by yh-run - Python - 2008-11-14 20:42:41 阅读(1999) 回复(5)

To create a raw device, configure a block device (hard disk) with a raw interface. The storage space that the device provides is called raw disk space. A chunk of raw disk space is physically contiguous. The name of the chunk is the name of the character-special file in the /dev directory. In many operating systems, you can distinguish the characterspecial file from the block-special file by the f...

by jayli426 - Informix - 2010-03-19 15:32:32 阅读(2403) 回复(6)

#define _MY(name) #name,&name typedef struct { char *name; void *addr; } BI; main() { static int a = 20; static BI params [] = { _MY (a), } ; } 大侠,如上面的程序,请问, 1,#define _MY(name) #name,&name 这个定义怎么解释? 2,我如何打印出params的第二个值呢? 万分感谢。

by 人在深圳混 - C/C++ - 2008-11-03 18:43:56 阅读(3209) 回复(13)

请问这个宏定义是什么意思? 谢谢!

by luoweiqiao - C/C++ - 2004-05-28 11:52:22 阅读(1129) 回复(8)

请大家帮我解释一下 if __name__ == '__main__' 语句,看到很多Python脚本的结尾都有这样一个调用语句

by streethacker - Python - 2012-10-09 23:33:55 阅读(2393) 回复(6)

使用redhat 企业版5, 如何修改hosts name 现在使用uname -a参数显示: linux localhosts.localdomain........ 修改了/etc/hosts文件,但不管用。 不知道有什么方法? 有没有类似于在unix系统下的set_parms命令? 非常感谢。

by erin_lyj - Linux系统管理 - 2008-08-23 09:42:18 阅读(1475) 回复(9)