
INIT Command is respawning too rapidly Check for possible errorsttymon

我这有个问题请教 solaris 9系统老是提示 init: command is respawning too rapidly check for possible errors. id:sv"usr/bin/srload -D -q" 现在服务器老是出现网络中断现象,但十几分钟后就自动恢复正常,郁闷,不知是什么问题。

by boyooo - Solaris - 2005-04-06 09:39:50 阅读(2259) 回复(10)


我这有个问题请教\r\nsolaris 9系统老是提示\r\ninit: command is respawning too rapidly check for possible errors. id:sv\"usr/bin/srload -D -q\"\r\n\r\n现在服务器老是出现网络中断现象,但十几分钟后就自动恢复正常,郁闷,不知是什么问题。

by boyooo - Solaris - 2005-04-06 09:39:50 阅读(3105) 回复(4)

init: command is respawning too rapidly. check for possible errors. id: SV "/usr/bin/srload -D -q" 这是什么?

by panwj - Solaris - 2003-07-21 16:00:28 阅读(877) 回复(3)

init: command is respawning too rapidly. check for possible errors.\r\nid: SV \"/usr/bin/srload -D -q\"\r\n这是什么?

by panwj - Solaris - 2003-07-21 16:00:28 阅读(2671) 回复(3)

I am getting the following messages every 10 minutes: init: command is respawning too rapidly. check for possible errors. id: SV: "command/svscanboot

by gtaww - Solaris - 2006-02-26 01:47:12 阅读(980) 回复(2)

I am getting the following messages every 10 minutes:\r\n\r\ninit: command is respawning too rapidly. check for possible errors.\r\nid: SV: \"command/svscanboot

by gtaww - Solaris - 2006-02-26 01:47:12 阅读(2792) 回复(2)

5.05系统在使用一段时间后ttyP15不能登陆,在TTY01上提示 init:command is respawning too rapidlycheck for possible errors. ID:t15 ''/etc/getty ttyp15 m #ras config'' 请问这是什么问题啊,我查看/etc/getty的内容也看不见什么,是乱码。

by hude - 其他UNIX - 2006-03-03 21:10:53 阅读(2913) 回复(6)

硬件:SUN 60,系统:salries2.6 出现问题如下: init:command is respawning too rapidly "/etc/opt/SUNWssp/ #SUNWapssp 在/etc/inittab里确实有这样的内容,不知道什么原因。谁可以告诉我怎么解决?

by tandang123 - Solaris - 2004-04-19 17:10:40 阅读(932) 回复(0)

硬件:SUN 60,系统:salries2.6\r\n出现问题如下:\r\ninit:command is respawning too rapidly\r\n\r\n\r\n\"/etc/opt/SUNWssp/ #SUNWapssp\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n在/etc/inittab里确实有这样的内容,不知道什么原因。谁可以告诉我怎么解决?

by tandang123 - Solaris - 2004-04-19 17:10:40 阅读(2580) 回复(0)

我再HP L2000上安装应用的时候,系统总是会出现如下警告: command respawning is too rapidly Try in 5 minutes. 请问有谁遇到过相似的问题,机器为 L2000,OS为HPUX 11.11i :em16:

by shiva - HP-UX - 2004-04-08 16:58:45 阅读(1652) 回复(5)

我再HP L2000上安装应用的时候,系统总是会出现如下警告: command respawning is too rapidly Try in 5 minutes. 请问有谁遇到过相似的问题,机器为 L2000,OS为HPUX 11.11i :em16:

by shiva - HP-UX - 2004-04-08 16:58:45 阅读(2930) 回复(5)