
packet tracer 标注的字体大小

学习CCNA课程大家做实验最常用的模拟器就数packet tracer了。 下面是用packettracer平台做的实验,都是独家的,网上几乎找不到,这些包含了CCNA涉及的所有实验,是每个学习CCNA人求之不得的“攻略”! packettracer到Cisco官网就可以下载得到,就不上传了~呵呵。 文件: E2-PT实验.part1.rar 大小: 2929KB 下载: 下载 文件: E2-PT实验.part2.rar 大小: 2824KB 下载: 下载 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:http://blog...

by Jack_Cisco - 网络技术文档中心 - 2011-08-18 22:52:30 阅读(4488) 回复(3)


ltrace strace truss 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by ga0feng - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-06-12 14:18:12 阅读(961) 回复(0)


by ahsiao - 网络技术 - 2008-07-24 13:17:11 阅读(8675) 回复(18)

一个简单的 stack trace 例程,C/C++ 两套接口 debug.h,前半是 C 接口,后半是 C++ 接口 [code]#ifndef DEBUG_H #define DEBUG_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif // Will enable seperate output for each thread, set default level to EMERG int dbg_enable (); // Logging outp...

by wolf0403 - 程序开发 - 2006-09-19 04:37:43 阅读(818) 回复(0)

The sender first enters a CSMA delay period, listening for an idle channel. The sender then transmits a packet start symbol at 10Kbps, which a receiver samples for at 20Kbps. As the following data is transmitted at 40Kbps, after the start symbol the receiver must synchronize to the sender at a finer granularity. The sender pauses for a few bit times after the start symb...

by oscarshen - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-02-04 20:07:01 阅读(1302) 回复(0)

因为要在基本的LFS系统上安装rp-pppoe( The Roaring Penguin PPPoE),它的依赖关系如下: RP-PPPoE Dependencies Required PPP-2.4.4 and Net-tools-1.60 (you may omit Net-tools by using the following patch to utilize IPRoute2 instead:

by luozhenwu - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-04-01 09:51:14 阅读(1214) 回复(0)

Condition: a. Cisco running PVST+ b. Native VLAN on trunk port is VLAN 4c. 802.1q trunkingd. port-channel1 is combination of f1/13 and f1/15 (trunk port)e. f1/14 is the other trunk port on switch ***************************************************************** SW2#sh spanning-tree root brief Root Hello Max FwdVlan Root ID ...

by johnny_jiang - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-11-14 22:31:06 阅读(1385) 回复(0)

资料收集: packet Filter(PF) 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by atyu30 - BSD文档中心 - 2007-09-25 19:20:15 阅读(938) 回复(0)

用ssh连接有些主机时出现Disconnecting: Bad packet length 的提示,望大家不吝赐教,谢谢!!

by henau - 网络技术 - 2007-09-13 11:03:02 阅读(3679) 回复(1)

packet Analysis Aha, finally it is time to start using our newly obtained Jedi skills! (wheee!!) This section will focus on peaking into the packets to extract the information (which is what we wanted to begin with). First off we must arm ourselves! Go ahead and get all the relevent RFC's. Lets start off with RFC 791 (IP) RFC 768 (UDP) RFC 826 (ARP) RFC 792 (ICMPv4) and of course RFC 7...

by wantfly - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-10-12 00:07:08 阅读(1259) 回复(0)

Writing a Basic packet Capture Engine Hi :-), this section consists of a discussion on how to write a simple packet capture engine. The goal is to demonstrate methods of capturing and filtering multiple packets to aid in packet analysis. All the juicy info on disecting IP packets and forging new ones are reserved for later sections.. Yes I can see your dissapointment, but you must admit that a ...

by wantfly - 网络技术文档中心 - 2005-10-12 00:05:39 阅读(865) 回复(0)