

pagp modes are off, auto, desirable, and on. Only the combinations auto-desirable, desirable-desirable, and on-on will allow a channel to be formed The pagp modes are explained below. on: pagp will not run. The channel is forced to come up. off: pagp will not run. The channel is forced to remain down. auto: pagp is running passively. The formation of a channel is desired; however, it is not in...

by bu - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-03-07 09:22:26 阅读(832) 回复(0)


pagp modes are off, auto, desirable, and on. Only the combinations auto-desirable, desirable-desirable, and on-on will allow a channel to be formed The pagp modes are explained below. on: pagp will not run. The channel is forced to come up. off: pagp will not run. The channel is forced to remain down. auto: pagp is running passively. The formation of a channel is desired; however, it is not in...

by bu - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-03-01 11:37:00 阅读(505) 回复(0)

本来一直认为比较了解EC 和pagp的 ISZQ 和XX关于EC是否是CISCO的专有协议 暗香MM关于在3750上如何配置EC 前几天在网上GOOGLE了一把 说pagp是EC的增强版 支持STP Uplinkfast (随便找了一个) 我一直认为 pagp是EC之间用来协商汇聚的协议 好比DTP是TRUNK之间协商 难道可以说DTP是TRUNK的增强版 btw:除了CISCO用pagp外 其他都用LACP吗?比如UT斯达康 netcore 8000B

by 带脚镣跳舞 - 网络技术 - 2007-01-15 11:50:00 阅读(1285) 回复(0)

我查到的有 pagp为思科私有,支持最多8个通道绑定在一起,支持stp lacp为共有协议,可以与不通厂商的设备通用,支持10或12个通道绑定在一起,好像不支持stp,不知道对不 谢谢

by pepsicoke - 网络技术 - 2009-01-08 16:01:47 阅读(9369) 回复(7)

实验目的: 1、掌握其于Cisco私有的pagp聚合协议的配置方法。 2、掌握第二层与第三层的pagp配置区别。 3、pagp为Cisco私有聚合协议。 实验拓扑图: 实验步骤及要求: 1、本实验使用两台Cisco Catalyst 3750交换机。并按照拓扑连接相应的交换机的线缆。 2、为了能够保证实验成功,因此建议将Fa1/0/1 – 22号接口置为shutdown状态。 3、在SW1或SW2上查看交换机的STP信息: SW1#show spanning-tree VLAN0001 Span...

by Jack_Cisco - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-07-17 22:03:44 阅读(1856) 回复(0)


by wansion - 网络技术 - 2004-04-23 09:53:39 阅读(2674) 回复(5)


by stoneaixin - 网络技术 - 2005-09-28 16:49:07 阅读(2199) 回复(17)