

[code]void func() { static int val; … }[/code] val在初始化数据还是在未初始化数据

by kewenliang - C/C++ - 2008-09-14 17:19:36 阅读(6017) 回复(13)


:?: :?: :?: Unix启动在load .bss系统死机,屏幕发亮,但什么显示也没有。 我的unix是在另一台笔记本上安装的,并且可以正常启动,当我把硬盘 还到新的笔记本上,即出现启动问题!

by net51hot - 其他UNIX - 2003-03-10 13:44:05 阅读(689) 回复(2)

请问 static 类型的变量 不显示的初始化 但默认会初始化 那么他是 存放在bss 还是 data呢?

by geba168 - C/C++ - 2006-10-16 14:45:30 阅读(3336) 回复(8)

为何一source 用户bss的.cshrc文件就显示这个呢? 调试看.cshrc文件没有错误 因为在最后一行加个echo kk 会在输出kk后再显示这句输出 看权限,都有执行权限: drwxrwxrwx 3 root sys 512 7ÔÂ 3 15:42 export/ cd export ls -l drwxrwxrwx 3 root other 512 7ÔÂ 3 15:43 home/ cd home ls -l drwxr-xr-x 23 bss ip 1024 7ÔÂ 16 11:11 bss/ [ 本帖...

by welcome008 - Shell - 2009-07-16 15:31:43 阅读(1684) 回复(11)

[color="#02368d"][OpNet WLAN Model] Auto Channel Allocation for bss Node name and modelbase station 2 : wlan2_router_adv (referred to as 'base station')http_server : wlan_server_advWireless LAN MAC parametershttp_serverAttribute nameValuebss Identifier1Channel settingAuto Assignedbase station (IF0 P0)Attribute nameValuebss Identifier1Channel settingAuto Assignedbase station (IF1 P1)...


by frost.wrath - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-07-04 14:30:55 阅读(1954) 回复(0)

Level: Analyst or consultant Reason to hire: High win project – China telecom Estimate on boarding date: Early Sep. Location: BJ or SH Headcount:TBD Skill set:OSS Requirement • More than 3 years OSS experience in telecom industry • OSS (Assurance) Focus: Must have experience in at least one of the following areas • Trouble tickets management system • A...

by suechenbyj - 猎头招聘 - 2009-08-27 06:19:59 阅读(1003) 回复(0)

Hello,我是成都的猎头Elaine。不过放心,我看全国职位,呵呵! 现在是来自于HP GDCC的职位,有意向的可以通过以下方式联系我,另外,我一只专注于IT行业,我们公司也有很多IT各方面的职位,有意向的朋友可以联系我,或者直接发简历给我,期待与你们的合作,呵呵 Elaine.wei Direct: +86-i28-66843064 Ceyll: +86-13882273777 Msn: [][/email], Email:[email=e40064x@vastsea...

by nina_wei - 初创企业IT架构选型 - 2008-11-14 14:06:20 阅读(3194) 回复(10)

Note from Figure 7.6 that the contents of the uninitialized data segment are not stored in the program file on disk. This is because the kernel sets it to 0 before the program starts running. The only portions of the program that need to be saved in the program file are the text segment and the initialized data. The size(1) command reports the sizes (in bytes) of the text, data, and bss segments....

by mjdcl - C/C++ - 2007-06-07 01:09:39 阅读(1546) 回复(5)

来源:计费&OSS世界 作者:刘军 一、信息系统存在的问题及需求 随着计算机应用系统的爆炸式发展,业务量迅速增加,业务种类日益复杂,企业必须管理不断增长的信息流量;随着信息量的急剧增大,核心数据的管理变得日益困难。如何安全、可靠地存储业务数据及满足未来业务数据高速增长的需要;如何有效管理日益增长的业务数据;如何实现业务数据的共享并在现有业务数据之上建立新兴的增值应用,如数据仓库、客户关系管理(CRM)...

by ydrz5753 - 存储文档中心 - 2008-06-16 21:08:17 阅读(2082) 回复(0)


by crazybaw - IT职业生涯 - 2006-05-05 11:06:10 阅读(2802) 回复(18)