
couldn't open framebuffer HAL

系统安装完成后,增加一用户,用该用户登录,出现下面的错误信息: couldn't open console ............. unable get pty ..... 请问这是什么问题,应该怎么做?

by yyliang - 其他UNIX - 2007-09-15 09:51:52 阅读(3883) 回复(1)


问题描述: A 机器: HP-UX green B.10.20 A 9000/785 2009690963 two-user license 机器为HP C3600 B 机器 HP-UX red B.11.11 U 9000/785 4016066669 unlimited-user license 机器为HP C8000 在 A机器上运行 ttytype 得到结果:hpterm 在 B机器上运行 ttytype 得到结果:vt200 在 A机器上运行: remsh red -n "ttytype" 得到错误消息为: ttytype: couldn't open /dev/tty for reading 请问这是怎么回事? 我的目的是: 通过在...

by hwwh1999 - HP-UX - 2006-05-15 18:14:50 阅读(3130) 回复(2)

crontab 中的计划任务执行后,在*.err中老报这个错: ttytype: couldn't open /dev/tty for reading stty: : Not a typewriter stty: : Not a typewriter Not a terminal stty: : Not a typewriter stty: : Not a typewriter ttytype: couldn't open /dev/tty for reading stty: : Not a typewriter stty: : Not a typewriter 请问是什么原因? 类似问题的帖子也有不少,可说了半天都没解决问题~~

by xukezhou - HP-UX - 2009-02-09 08:44:47 阅读(4723) 回复(2)

xmanager连接AIX5.3显示couldn't open console 连接不上 这是怎么回事呢?

by zljcn - AIX - 2008-12-26 10:25:00 阅读(3249) 回复(2)

我现在也有个dump的问题,不知道有人知道不知道。 备份时报错: 4.55.2:device validation error:couldn't open raw device /dev/rmt/c0s0: error:device busy 快烦死了,怎么会device busy呢?

by ysbw511 - Sybase - 2005-07-02 23:31:47 阅读(2054) 回复(10)

错误:couldn't open mixer device, /dev/sound/mixer 请问怎么解决,在此先谢谢各位大虾赐教了

by reka2004 - Linux论坛 - 2005-04-08 12:18:53 阅读(1191) 回复(8)

问题一: 备份sybase数据库,命令如下: --------------------------- $ isql -Usa -Psa1357 1>; dump database cli 2>; to 'cli.dat' 3>; go ---------------------------- 出错,内容如下: ****************** Backup Server session id is: 5. Use this value when executing the 'sp_volchanged' system stored procedure after fulfilling any volume change request from the Backup Server. Backup Server: Devi...

by sean_server - Sybase - 2004-06-29 12:38:09 阅读(1793) 回复(3)

ns# /usr/local/sbin/named -u bind -gc /usr/local/etc/named.conf Aug 05 20:46:30.494 starting BIND 9.2.3rc1 -u bind -gc /usr/local/etc/named.conf Aug 05 20:46:30.495 using 1 CPU Aug 05 20:46:30.504 loading configuration from '/usr/local/etc/named.conf' Aug 05 20:46:30.506 no IPv6 interfaces found Aug 05 20:46:30.506 listening on IPv4 interface rl0, Aug 05 20:46:30.508 listening on IP...

by sham-01 - 服务器应用 - 2006-03-28 11:33:25 阅读(4930) 回复(6)

我配置很多次了.就是PING不通主机named -g 后 named -g Mar 27 19:52:30.361 starting BIND 9.2.1 -g Mar 27 19:52:30.362 using 1 CPU Mar 27 19:52:30.370 loading configuration from '/etc/named.conf' Mar 27 19:52:30.452 no IPv6 interfaces found Mar 27 19:52:30.453 listening on IPv4 interface lo, Mar 27 19:52:30.455 listening on IPv4 interface eth0, Mar 27 19:52:30.461 command c...

by myf1013 - 服务器架设 - 2006-03-28 15:49:55 阅读(2908) 回复(3)

我是在www.mozilla.org上下载的firefox-1.0PR-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz和firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz,解压执行: #./firefox-install或#./firefox-install-bin时均出现下面的提示: Fatal error [-618]:couldn't open xpistub library 我又下载了源码firefox-1.0PR-source.tar.bz2,在进行编译安装时也出错 我手的是RedHat8.0 我在网上google了,但是还是不能解决我的问题,firefox总是安装不上 请安装了firfo...

by yswallow - 系统管理 - 2004-10-12 15:20:17 阅读(844) 回复(1)

急,在一台新装的HP UX 11.11的机器上,运行proc编的可执行程序,报错: /usr/lib/pa20_64/ Mmap failed due to errno: 13. Abort(coredump) 准备从同样环境的另一台主机上替换一个lib过来,于是 cd /usr mv lib lib.bak20040914 这个操作后,很多命令都无法执行了,报错如下: crt0: ERROR couldn't open /usr/lib/ errno:000000002 再想去mv lib.bak20040914 lib ,也报同样错误,ftp,telnet,cp等命令均 无法执行...

by 鸿飞 - HP-UX - 2004-09-14 14:55:59 阅读(1856) 回复(1)