
ipod u2 拆卸

by 麦客OS - Mac OS X - 2004-10-27 22:25:13 阅读(1703) 回复(6)


请问各位老大,我的ipod里面的中文歌,为什么有的显示乱码,有的就可以看到,但大部分看不到!是什么问题?麻烦赐教 还有,还有,,,,好像只可以听歌,我怎么不知道如何传输其他文件?

by aisunl - Mac OS X - 2005-01-20 19:07:34 阅读(1955) 回复(2)
by bxfqing - Mac OS X - 2011-09-19 16:37:57 阅读(2489) 回复(1)

Searching in internet tend to be waste of time as more and more people join into this huge information sea and spread their shit out from their mouth with no scruple. I don't want to strict the spirit of 'share', which be main spirit of internet. I just want to gripe about junk information on internet. Here I want to backup some tips about using ipod touch in virtualbox which running in linux s...

by oliliango - Linux文档专区 - 2009-05-20 22:28:37 阅读(1118) 回复(0)