
cache battery charge

本帖最后由 my_romp 于 2010-07-28 16:25 编辑 Compatible Cordless Phone and Cordless Phone battery models: • IBM 44L0313 • IBM AS400 • IBM cache CONTROLLER FC2778 • IBM FC2778 6707、6717 如有需要请联系田小姐:QQ:494839417

by my_romp - AS400 - 2008-08-29 20:37:18 阅读(1740) 回复(0)


errpt中报错26CA120B,下面是errpt -aj 26CA120B 的结果,请各位牛人分析一下. 客户说前台做DB2备份的时候,突然终端死机了,会不会是因为这个问题呢? LABEL: SSA_cache_battery IDENTIFIER: 26CA120B Date/Time: Tue Apr 4 17:47:47 Sequence Number: 27720 Machine Id: 0004006F4C00 Node Id: nfta1 Class: H Type: PERM Resource Name: ssa0 Resource Class: adapter Resource ...

by flyabout - AIX - 2006-04-06 15:50:26 阅读(1380) 回复(3)

故障描述: 前方反馈电池即将过期,有2块磁盘损坏(去现场之前已经指导更换),磁阵目前读写缓慢。 设备信息: 品牌:IBM 型号:DS4300 序列号:13P6480 故障处理过程: 1, 观察磁阵前面板状态灯 发现磁阵Power-on LED为稳定的绿色,General-system-error LED为黄色亮起,所有磁盘的Drive activity LED为绿色常亮或闪烁,没有某个磁盘该指示灯熄灭的情况,所有磁盘的Drive fault LED为熄灭状态。以上现...

by sz_zte - AIX文档中心 - 2008-10-15 23:28:19 阅读(3031) 回复(0)

RT. HP EVA4000换了cache battery之后提示charger status: code load required. 啥毛病呢?


by cncqpansky - 存储备份 - 2008-07-03 13:43:21 阅读(2844) 回复(0)

阵列读写性能下降很厉害,不知道是不是ssa_cache_battery错误导致cache被disable造成。 cache被disable后性能会下降多少。 如下是使用iostat收集阵列上pv的性能。 iostat -d hdisk2 3 100 Disks: % tm_act Kbps tps Kb_read Kb_wrtn hdisk2 51.0 102.7 166.9 393666936 2133383253 hdisk2 16.0 63.7 14.7 16 175 hdisk2 5.7 19.7 ...

by netterm - AIX - 2004-10-26 15:04:56 阅读(3088) 回复(10)

應該系統自動發給 root 的 mail...寫著 The Server Reguest Number(s)/Probable (ausecs) (causes are listed in descending order of probability): 969-702:battery tested bad. bettery FRU: n/a n/a Use the SRN to determine the FRU part number 這是啥意思啊?是哪邊的電池掛點了?(主版?)and 該如何處理啊? thx

by cyclops49 - AIX - 2003-05-02 21:17:30 阅读(959) 回复(5) SELL:Nokia|Motorola|Samsung|LG|SonyEricsson|Kyocera|Sagem|Sendo|Siemens|Alcatel|Nextel OEM Li-ion battery. Siemens:C62/SL65 Li-Ion battery Samsung:SGH-X495/SPH-A920/SGH-E350 Li-Ion battery Nextel:i830/i833/i205/i30/i305/i30sx/i35/i35s/i50/i50sx/i530/i50sr/i55/i55sr/i58/i58sr/i60c/i710/i730/i733/i80/i80s/i85/i85s/i88/i88s/i90/I90c/i95/i95cl Li-Ion battery Kyocera:5135/S14/...

by echo135165 - 初创企业IT架构选型 - 2008-12-11 15:18:25 阅读(1356) 回复(0)

hi 我公司一台旧HP va7100 有报警: nvram battery depletion 影响日常的存储操作吗, 还是仅断电时,数据会掉


by bbfit - 存储备份 - 2008-11-07 09:59:51 阅读(2388) 回复(2)

1.T3 firmware upgrade ,edit /etc/hosts add the line t3 # uncompress 112276-13\[1\].tar.Z # ls 112276-13[1].tar # tar xvf 112276-13\[1\].tar # ls LEGAL_LICENSE.TXT T3extender.tar.Z docs lpc_05.02 patchtoc README.112276-13 disk files.tar nb216.bin previous # ifconfig ce0:1 unplumb # ifconfig qfe3 plumb...

by Gavin_Peng - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-01-14 14:27:02 阅读(1085) 回复(0)

Q. Can you swap the A1000's cache battery without powering down the array? A. Sort of. Officially, no. You must power down the array before changing the battery per the manual. Unofficially, it can be done. The ways that are least likely (there are no guarantees in life) to cause data loss are: Wait until the battery expires and the array has disabled write caching. Since the battery isn't bei...

by nimysun - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-04-08 11:56:24 阅读(706) 回复(0)

LED 显示080c时死机 五一前在交警总队的机房遇到一台F80小型机,不能启动了。可以看到的信息如下: LED: 080c P1-110/Q1 屏幕上:Starting software,please waite. ......................................... ......................................... closing stdin and stdout............ 死机。 查代码080c,得到的信息如下: Display Value 80c Explanation Progress indicator. The ...

by cfahw - AIX文档中心 - 2005-05-09 15:27:44 阅读(1230) 回复(0)