

各位老师: 请问在solaris8下如何看比prtdiag ,prtconfig demsg等命令显示更详细的设备信息 。最好是具体到如显 卡,内存,光驱,cpu等单一设备信息 。

by bird2002 - Solaris - 2003-05-27 07:44:18 阅读(822) 回复(1)


The address identifies a network that you want to identify with a name. Which file, if edited, will identify the network address with a name? A. /etc/hosts B. /etc/inet/networks.conf C. /etc/networks.conf D. /etc/default/networks.conf 感觉是A A就是名字和IP地址的一个对应,但是看英语意思,有觉得好象理解不太对头 B,C,D都没有这些文件 这么排来排去的,也只有A了

by ChinaUnixlov - Solaris - 2007-05-17 11:07:18 阅读(1148) 回复(1)

Postgresql v7.2 谁能帮忙解释一下,多谢! java.sql.SQLException: ERROR: Unable to identify an ordering operator '<' for type 'unknown' Use an explicit ordering operator or modify the query

by hardcore - PostgreSQL - 2003-03-19 21:41:47 阅读(2433) 回复(1)

When I handle a memory leak bug, I found this very useful article. This method is only used in solaris, not the linux, for linux has valgrind. The link is: 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by xiangshu - Solaris文档中心 - 2009-02-26 16:47:50 阅读(1706) 回复(0)

I tried to transfer some music to my Aigo v002 Mp3 player in FreeBSD 6.2, but some problems occured like below: When I plugged it in, the system correctly recognized it as " SCSI-0 device...", device name "da0",details as "da0:umass-sim0", rate "1.0000 MB/s", so far so good. And directly then system reports "da0: uhub0 Port 3(Addr 2) disconnected", which only appears when de...

by jefferic - BSD - 2007-12-01 15:06:50 阅读(1445) 回复(0)

if i use,it's no problem.but if i use localhost, the browser can display my webpages. I have modified the servername into localhost,it still can't work....why??how can i do?

by qdxby - PHP - 2004-09-05 18:29:11 阅读(915) 回复(3)

how to troubleshoot a device offline error? thank you!

by ywtmh - Sybase - 2004-07-30 16:56:47 阅读(1178) 回复(0)

Dear All : 我把另一顆硬盤接到系統,然後在ok mode下boot -rs,重開後認到在/dev/rdsk/下為c0t1d0s0 ~ s7,然後我mount卻出現not a block device #mount /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 /mnt 就出現 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 not a block device 我該如何作? Thanks

by ksc - Solaris - 2004-01-12 14:21:45 阅读(2805) 回复(4)

在sco openserver下建生设备,具体的步骤怎样呢?

by aix低手 - 其他UNIX - 2004-01-09 17:39:15 阅读(841) 回复(3)

我在用户的crontab里加了这样一个脚本: 1 * * * * sh /usr/local/bin/ >; /dev/null & 之后系统总是向我发这样的mail: Your "cron" job on sqwen sh /usr/local/bin/ >; /dev/null & produced the following output: stty: : No such device or address stty: : No such device or address 请问是怎么回事啊? 难道我的/dev/null不存在吗?可明明有的啊

by sqwen - Solaris - 2012-11-29 14:36:51 阅读(2646) 回复(5)

我用的是DS10,在安装OS的时候对硬盘分区,硬盘的设备名为rz8,为什么要叫做这个?根据什么定义的?另外系统中其他设备如tape driver等等又是怎么定义的?

by 江洋大盗 - 其他UNIX - 2003-09-07 19:46:35 阅读(1855) 回复(5)