
java remote debug

tomcat can startup for remote debug, just set a little parameters and environment variables as follows: set JPDA_ADDRESS=8000 set JPDA_TRANSPORT=dt_socket catalina jpda start the tomcat faq document also said that you can pass these parameters to the JVM, "-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8000,server=y,suspend=n" , i tried, it didn't work out. so i'll just use first method . 本文...

by wangsong2 - Java文档中心 - 2006-03-17 17:58:23 阅读(2181) 回复(0)


[1]快捷键(F8)直接执行程序。 [2]快捷键(F5)单步执行程序,遇到方法时进入。 [3]快捷键(F6)单步执行程序,遇到方法时跳过。 [4]快捷键(F7)单步执行程序,从当前方法跳出。 最基本的操作是: 1, 首先在一个java文件中设断点,然后运行,当程序走到断点处就会转到debug视图下, 2, F5键与F6键均为单步调试,F5是step into,也就是进入本行代码中执行,F6是step over, 也就是执行本行代码,跳到下一行, 3,F7是跳...

by hdh_1983 - Java文档中心 - 2009-10-09 15:44:26 阅读(2125) 回复(0)

平时开发使用Embeded Linux 和 ecos ,不过问题是每次执行都需要将BUILD好的IMAGE下载到板子上,而debug只能用printf输出,我也曾poll了一个gdb server到板子上,不过感觉用起来也不方便。 请问各位达人 平时的开发模式是什么? 用没有虚拟环境模拟运行? Linux,ecos系统在板子上怎么做debug 下单步,断点功能? 请指教。。。

by xiaobird - 嵌入式开发 - 2009-10-13 16:47:54 阅读(1307) 回复(2)

options GDB was added to 6.x( since 5.x), and we need kgdb to debug the kernel. kgdb and gdb are different, not symbol link. kgdb is a debugger based on gdb. We use gdb -k to debug the kernel on 4.x. The kernel conf: machine i386 cpu I686_CPU ident RUN makeoptions debug=-g options GDB options debug_MEMGUARD options DDB options KDB options KDB_TRACE options SCHED_ULE #options SCHED_...

by mirnshi - 虚拟化与云服务 - 2006-06-09 19:16:42 阅读(1049) 回复(0)

我用jbuilder编译和运行都没有问题,但是就不能debug,显示如下错误信息 我没使用防火墙,所以应该不存在连接被防火墙隔断的问题。而且如果我将网线拔下,就可以正常debug,我用的jbuilder2006 请各位指教,先谢了 -- Cannot start java debug process VM -- com.sun.jdi.connect.VMStartException: VM initialization failed for: C:\Borland\JBuilder2006\jdk1.5\bin\javaw -classpath "D:\java\untitled2\classes;C:\Borland\J...

by angelfox - Java - 2006-07-06 14:47:42 阅读(2021) 回复(2)


by 陈颖 - HP-UX - 2005-11-15 17:25:58 阅读(1314) 回复(6)

先看看我用的是个什么机器: $ uname -a Linux dev 2.4.21-9.30AXsmp #1 SMP Wed May 26 23:37:09 EDT 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux 再看看默认的一些参数,注意core file size是个0,程序出错时不会产生core文件了。 $ ulimit -a core file size (blocks, -c) 0 data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited file size (blocks, -f) unlimited max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 4 max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited open files (...

by gxy_0202 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-09-17 18:36:07 阅读(937) 回复(0)


by teihou76 - SQL server - 2004-03-29 07:57:42 阅读(2901) 回复(5)

:D 很有趣的debug程序,大家自己看看吧! e100 33 f6 bf 0 20 b5 10 f3 a5 8c c8 5 0 2 50 68 13 1 cb e 1f be a1 1 bf 0 1 e11b 6 57 b8 11 1 bb 21 13 89 7 4b 4b 48 79 f9 ad 86 e0 8b c8 bd ff ff e8 20 e134 0 3d 0 1 74 1a 7f 3 aa eb f3 2d ff 0 50 e8 f 0 5a f7 d8 8b d8 26 8a 1 aa e14f 4a 75 f9 eb de cb 57 bb 21 13 8b c1 40 f7 27 f7 f5 8b fb ba 11 1 4f 4f 4a e168 39 5 7f f9 52 8b c5 f7 25 f7 37 2...

by 轩辕砍刀 - 软件配置管理 - 2003-06-23 02:12:49 阅读(2624) 回复(7)

[color="#ff9900"]How do I access a remote EJB (3.0 or 2.x) from a non-java EE web container like Tomcat or Resin? Accessing a remote EJB from a non-java EE web container is similar to the stand-alone java client case. However, the complication is that most java web servers set the default JNDI name provider for the JVM, which prevents our appserver naming provider from being instantia...

by xiang588 - Java文档中心 - 2008-11-11 15:40:20 阅读(1319) 回复(0)