
memory leak proc file system

The /proc file system In Linux there is an additional mechanism for the kernel and kernel modules to send information to processes --- the /proc file system. Originally designed to allow easy access to information about processes (hence the name), it is now used by every bit of the kernel which has something interesting to report, such as /proc/modules which has the list of modules and /proc/memin...

by 晴有林风 - Linux文档专区 - 2006-07-01 08:23:45 阅读(467) 回复(0)


Understanding the proc file system Abstract: The Linux kernel provides a mechanism to access its underlying internal data-structures and also to change its kernel settings at run-time through /proc file system. We will be discussing the /proc file system here targeted to the Intel x86 architecture; though the basic concepts will remain the same for Linux on any platform. /proc - a Virtual file S...

by linuxed - Linux文档专区 - 2006-04-23 10:18:42 阅读(516) 回复(0)

Don't put off fixing memory leaks. Make one or more of these convenient tools a part of your development process. An earlier article [``memory leak Detection in Embedded systems'', LJ, September 2002, available at ] discussed the detection of memory leaks when using C as the programming language. This article discusses the problem of detecting memory leaks in C+...

by loughsky - Linux文档专区 - 2007-03-05 17:27:09 阅读(604) 回复(0)

[zhuan]Understanding the proc file system Author: []Ravi Kiran UVS[/email] Introduction proc is an in-memory file system used to provide file based communication with the kernel. It allows registration/unregistration functions to create files and remove files on the fly. Any kernel component that wants to communicate with the user can create a file under the proc and t...

by edwinrong - Linux文档专区 - 2009-05-25 11:00:37 阅读(640) 回复(0)

[code] proc file system的read方法定义如下: int xxx_proc_read( char *buf, /* this is the buffer we write to */ char **start, /* this is used for larger data access */ 英文不好,看不懂这个start参数的作用,? off_t offset, /* same as above */ 居然说,offset跟start的作用一样? int count, /* this is the expected number of bytes */ int *eof, /* set this to 1 to ...

by dxbh - 内核源码 - 2008-07-30 13:15:37 阅读(1326) 回复(1)

Q.Few commands under FreeBSD depends upon procfs (process file system). FreeBSD does not mount it by default. How do I mount /proc (procfs) from a shell prompt? A.Yes few commands will not work, as procfs has to be mounted. The process file system, or procfs, implements a view of the system process table inside the file system. It is normally mounted on /proc, and is required for the comp...

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-04-19 14:20:57 阅读(1375) 回复(0)

我用的是openldap的2.2.19的code,移植到的c下。在做内存测试时发现,就算是只是 ldap_init,ldap_simple_bind,然后ldap_unbind,也会有内存减少。不知道有人碰到过这个现象吗? 查了下,2.2.19release里写: Fixed back-bdb cache bugs (ITS#3356, #3358), ctxcsn memory leak 不过不知道是不是我这个情况阿。 还有个人也有泄漏现象可他用的2.0几的好象,版本比我的低啊,也没说最后到底解决没。 请高手们帮帮忙阿。 这个是我的代码...

by niloulili - 服务器应用 - 2007-06-14 14:43:14 阅读(2478) 回复(0)

不要使用DSO模式安装Mason 不要使用Apache2 不要使用模块,比如CGI这种模块一般不需要了。 但是DBI这些是需要使用。 另外,可以将DBH这些注册成为全局变量。 注意好这些Mason是不会出现memory leak

by hoowa - Perl - 2004-05-03 13:40:25 阅读(1016) 回复(0)

本帖最后由 gaojl0728 于 2014-04-29 21:06 编辑 一个Linux Kernel memory leak的定位过程。 最近客户那里报了个的OOM问题, 一开始以为是HTTP并发连接数太多,导致TCP在协议栈这一层分配的内存太多, 在这种情况下基本没有很好地解决方案,无非就是调整下TCP的一些参数如tcp_window_scaling, tcp_rmem, tcp_wmem等让单TCP连接占用的低端内存少一些, 这样服务器可以承受更多连接。 后来远程登录到客户的机器研究了下,发现OO...

by gaojl0728 - 内核源码 - 2014-09-23 16:59:13 阅读(6561) 回复(9)

内存不断泄露,如黄河之水一发不可收拾~ aspn里有关于这个的信息,但是是04年的,而且也没有解决办法。 不信的可运行《POE Cookbook》中的例子,地址如下: 玩死你~ [ 本帖最后由 flw 于 2009-3-7 19:08 编辑 ]

by isaachs - Perl - 2009-03-07 19:04:46 阅读(2919) 回复(1)

SCO上用那个命令可以看到进程内存是否增长,类似AIX上用ps gl命令可以观察SZ、RSS两列的数据。

by ahkai - 其他UNIX - 2007-11-14 13:58:05 阅读(3179) 回复(2)