
memory mapped io space

如下这段代码编译成功后,使用如下命令: add lastname del lastname find lastname list quit [code] /* * This program implements a simple address book. It is implemented as a * binary tree inside a memory-mapped file so that it can survive * between executions of the program. */ #include io.h>; #include ; #include ; #include ; /* Header record placed at ...

by 蓝色键盘 - C/C++ - 2003-05-07 19:13:56 阅读(936) 回复(0)

相关讨论 发件人: [color="#00681c"]karthikbg - [color="#0000cc"]查看个人资料 日期: 2006年12月17日(星期日) 下午1时33分 电子邮件: "karthikbg" 论坛: comp.arch.embedded [color="#555555"]评级: (1 位用户) [color="#551a8b"]显示选项 [color="#0000cc"]回复 | [color="#0000cc"]答...

by seawolf1979 - Linux文档专区 - 2006-12-22 20:40:35 阅读(719) 回复(0)

[color="#000066"]io port memory io端口和io内存 使用I/O端口 I/O端口有点类似内存位置:可以用和访问内存芯片相同的电信号对它进行读写 。但这两者实际上并不一样;端口操作是直接对外设进行的,和内存相比更不灵活。而 且,有8位的端口,也有16位的端口和32位的端口,不能相互混淆。 因此,C语言程序必须调用不同的函数来访问大小不同的端口。Linux内核头文件 中(就在与体系结构相关的头文件中)定义了如下一些内联函...

by joely.wu - Linux文档专区 - 2008-11-28 10:23:16 阅读(631) 回复(0)

io端口和io内存 使用I/O端口 I/O端口有点类似内存位置:可以用和访问内存芯片相同的电信号对它进行读写 。但这两者实际上并不一样;端口操作是直接对外设进行的,和内存相比更不灵活。而 且,有8位的端口,也有16位的端口和32位的端口,不能相互混淆。 因此,C语言程序必须调用不同的函数来访问大小不同的端口。Linux内核头文件 中(就在与体系结构相关的头文件中)定义了如下一些内联函数。 使用unsigned而不进一步...

by tiaot - Linux文档专区 - 2008-05-25 23:07:04 阅读(690) 回复(0)

Depending on the computer platform and bus being used, I/O memory may or may not be accessed through page tables. When access passes though page tables, the kernel must first arrange for the physical address to be visible from your driver, and this usually means that you must call ioremap before doing any I/O. If no page tables are needed, I/O memory locations look pretty much like I/O ports, and ...

by nhjidle - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-09-05 14:42:34 阅读(965) 回复(3)

Depending on the computer platform and bus being used, I/O memory may or may not be accessed through page tables. When access passes though page tables, the kernel must first arrange for the physical address to be visible from your driver, and this usually means that you must call ioremap before doing any I/O. If no page tables are needed, I/O memory locations look pretty much like I/O ports, and ...

by nhjidle - 内核源码 - 2006-09-05 14:42:34 阅读(1514) 回复(3)

有谁能帮忙具体解释下io端口和io space的关系?访问CMOS的端口是70/71,它的io space空间是多少?为什么读cmos时要outputb(70,index),inputb(71),而不是直接将in al,address

by dimple_yi - CPU与编译器 - 2008-10-27 10:37:35 阅读(6195) 回复(7)

WARNING: swapchunk - No free memory and no free swap space WARNING: swapout - No swap space for PID 728 u-area (2 pages) 系统在每一个打开的终端报错误信息如上。 此时能够ping 通, ftp时就失败了。 在ttyn上也不能登陆系统。只有硬关机!! 不知道该如何处理这种错误,请大虾们不吝赐教!!谢谢!!

by hzyyd\n - 其他UNIX - 2004-09-03 10:04:09 阅读(1286) 回复(5)

没怎么搞懂io port和io memory之间的联系和区别,求高手指导下。 1. io port和io memory的作用是对设备进行寄存器访问和控制的? 2. 当硬件(比如一块chip)设计制造好后,其io port的地址是否已经固定下来? 3. io memoryio port是否就是寄存器的不同地址空间? 4. iomap是否就是将port的地址映射到memory的地址中? 有点晕乎,求高手指导下。

io memoryio port驱动

by chen_q07 - 驱动开发 - 2011-11-27 11:00:39 阅读(2360) 回复(0)

因为看i/o memory这部分,有一点十分的不理解,就是驱动要申请一块内存(虚的,只是个地址范围),然后访问它,这部分空间是如何和寄存器连接起来的呢?是硬件做的,还是软件做的。不知道该如何描述好!!

by gelandesprung - Linux新手园地 - 2009-10-16 21:38:19 阅读(1018) 回复(1)\r\n\r\nsomeone in itpub seems need further explain about this part. I\'m not too sure how to explain better, maybe you can give some help?\r\n\r\nbasically the guy has question about how system can utilize more than 4GB memory in 32 bit enviornment. I told them each process will only have 4GB addressable space, but with multiple proc...

by wangzhonnew - AIX - 2007-05-12 21:31:19 阅读(3272) 回复(1)