
Changes not staged for commit

^_^ some one told me about that before I went travelling last month... I leart that by heart already... Thank you so much... Shar one pic from that trip with you guys... ^_^ [ 本帖最后由 conniehe 于 2007-10-11 12:01 编辑 ]

by conniehe - 快乐数码摄影 - 2007-11-11 00:37:47 阅读(8368) 回复(43)


这里傍晚收到的邮件列表([email][/email])。有兴趣的看看吧。 [quote] Organizational changes to the NetBSD Project ============================================ In 1997 the NetBSD Foundation, the nonprofit corporation which manages development of the NetBSD operating system, failed to pay its corporate fees and lapsed as a legal entity. Shortly thereafter, in 1999, Herb ...

by MichaelBibby - BSD - 2006-09-02 16:10:15 阅读(1741) 回复(9)

When you configure an HACMP cluster, configuration data is stored in HACMP-specific object classes in the ODM. The HACMP for AIX ODM object classes are stored in the default configuration directory (DCD), /etc/es/objrepos. It is possible to perform certain changes to both the cluster topology and cluster resources while the cluster is running. This operation is called Dynamic Automatic Reconfigura...

by shakesky - AIX文档中心 - 2005-09-27 22:57:30 阅读(1391) 回复(0)

... OpenBSD的Theo de Raddt(注:OpenBSD的老大)表示最新的OpenBSD安全性能的提升使得这个OS更加坚固,防止典型的缓存溢出攻击者。这个提升包括实现POSIX提出的PROT_EXEC,保证内存中页面不能同时被写和执行,以及使用Propolice的保护方法使得缓存变量更加难以溢出... 详见:

by 红袖添香 - BSD - 2003-02-08 13:05:43 阅读(2271) 回复(18)

請問cmtctl 會影響 文件更新記錄行時對記錄的鎖定嗎? 還有 strcmtctl ---endcmtctl有效時間段是不是一直到setlr離開程序才結束了?還是隻在strcmtctl ---endcmtctl這一過程中有效? 謝謝!:) [ 本帖最后由 shanghang 于 2008-4-12 09:36 编辑 ]

by shanghang - AS400 - 2008-04-14 09:17:13 阅读(1803) 回复(2)

扩表空间的时候,我增加了数据文件,为什么不用commit也能起作用啊? 记得是提交事务的时候用这个命令,究竟什么时候用,什么时候不用呢?请高手指点,谢谢!

by 季候风 - Oracle - 2006-09-25 11:58:00 阅读(1150) 回复(2)

运行到这里时hang up 了, OUTPUT=`cvs -d $PLAT_CVSROOT ci $LOCAL_REPOSITORY_NAME 2>&1` error: .... Vim: Warning: Output is not to a terminal

by ac_3 - 系统管理 - 2006-05-26 13:25:39 阅读(704) 回复(5)


by tswy - AIX - 2005-01-21 09:09:03 阅读(1156) 回复(2)

pro* c 程序中commitcommit release 有什么区别?

by stuff990 - Oracle - 2003-12-10 19:44:06 阅读(811) 回复(0)

changes with zevent *) changes: v1.1.4[2008-10-16 ]: 增加一个应用,结合Berkeley DB实现类似memcache的功能,提供高性能的数据安全存储方案. 增加一个apache module 修改源码组织结构. 修改配置文件路径等问题更便方便使用. v1.1.3: 修改log.c文件中的一个bug.[zhoubug 2008-10-14 ] v1.1.2: 增加child_fini挂钩for子进程退出时相关资源的释放. 增加child_init挂钩for一...

by zhoubug - C/C++ - 2008-10-17 09:04:50 阅读(1692) 回复(5)


by twen345 - Shell - 2009-01-22 21:39:36 阅读(1707) 回复(2)