
could not mount the diskgroup on remote node rac2

将以下内容添加到.bashrc文件里。 export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1 export OracLE_BASE=/oracle/ora9 export OracLE_HOME=/oracle/ora9/product/9.2 export PATH=$OracLE_HOME/bin:$OracLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin:$PATH export OracLE_OWNER=oracle export OracLE_SID=rac9i1 export OracLE_TERM=vt100 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$OracLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib: /usr/local/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_P...

by cnhawk386 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-02-23 08:06:33 阅读(765) 回复(0)


SUN 小机,solaris10系统,oracle rac+ASM 日志见附件

by comerliang - Oracle - 2010-12-28 14:07:13 阅读(2752) 回复(9)


by zhshujun - Oracle - 2011-12-21 08:44:02 阅读(1604) 回复(0)

Hi, folks, for a local direcoty, we can do like this if [ -d "/usr/bin" ]; then echo "exist " fi but what is the correct coding to detect to see if a directory on a remote node already exist Thanks a lot.

by wangcaipapa - Shell - 2005-12-26 12:01:16 阅读(968) 回复(1)

db2 catalog tcpip node EAST remote server 50000 db2 catalog database EAST_DB at node EAST db2 terminate; when backup remote db, it reported that "no remote instance called EAST found", what's difference between remote instance name and tcpip node name?

by benh - DB2 - 2005-10-13 14:05:41 阅读(1306) 回复(0)

问题:rac GSD is not running on the local node 配置:2台P5 55A + DS4700 Disk Array AIX 5300-06 CRS $ srvctl -V srvctl version: 问题:rac GSD is not running on the local node vipca报错: CRS-0215: could not start resource 'ora.ahpmosdata_1.gsd'. CRS-0215: could not start resource 'ora.ahpmosdata_2.gsd'. /oracle/product/10.2/crs10g/bin/cluvfy stage -post crsinst -n ahpmosdata_1,ah...

by yxtg - Oracle - 2008-01-17 11:49:34 阅读(5419) 回复(3)

错误现象:Configuration error: Error : could not alloc node id at port 1186: Connection done from wrong host ip 所有其它正常,在管节点上用show查看所有存储节点与sql节点正常 ,管理节点配置文件如下 #options affecting ndbd processes on all data nodes: [NDBD DEFAULT] NoOfReplicas=2 # Number of replicas DataMemory=180M # How much memory to allocate for data storage I...

by zhanghuiyun - MySQL文档中心 - 2008-09-27 17:21:09 阅读(2245) 回复(0)

两台一样的ibm 6F1,想把server1上的一个目录mount到server2上,首先在smit nfs里面配置了export list,加了这个目录进去,然后在server2上尝试mount这个远程目录,但是提示server1:/目录不存在,请问有哪些原因?如何解决?

by olive - AIX - 2003-10-06 20:21:12 阅读(3167) 回复(2)

怪异的问题,原因是loop在新的内核中被配置成了Module,而在挂载的时候,必须手动去modprobe 一下,也就是说先执行 modprobe loop 然后在去mount即可。 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by tubocurarine - Linux文档专区 - 2009-10-17 09:35:40 阅读(1949) 回复(0)

安装完第一张盘,第二张盘无法启动,直接引导,但是选择了SOLARIS 后,却出现prom_panic:could not mount filesystem错误,怎么回事,是硬件问题吗?有没有解决的方法?

by mike_chen - Solaris - 2005-09-10 17:06:18 阅读(1130) 回复(2)

安装完第一张盘,第二张盘无法启动,直接引导,但是选择了SOLARIS 后,却出现prom_panic:could not mount filesystem错误,怎么回事,是硬件问题吗?有没有解决的方法?

by mike_chen - Solaris - 2005-09-10 17:06:18 阅读(2960) 回复(2)