
dialog 風格

有用过dialog功能的朋友没? 主要功能是从COMMDS数组里提取数组元素,组成新的数据,然后再执行dialog,现在的问题是如果数组元素没有包括空,能顺利执行,但当数组元素中包含空时,提示: Expected 3 arguments, found only 1 以下是我代码,希望哪位朋友指点一下: #!/bin/bash COMMDS=('aaa ' 'bbb' 'ccc') commd(){ local s_commds="" local i=0 while ((i<${#COMMDS[@]})) do let i++ ec...

by mike.xiao - Shell - 2006-11-08 16:37:17 阅读(1841) 回复(10)


编程中出现的错误: 1. false拼写错误 2.dialog 拼写错误 3.注意本题中(1)建立一个Frame(checkbox) (2)建立一个dialog(f,“心理测试”,true) (3)Panel(确定。取消) import java.awt.*; public class A { public static void main(String args[]) { Frame f=new Frame("checkbox"); dialog dlg=new dialog(f,"心理测试",false); dlg.add(new Label("现在想我了吗?"),"C...

by xialina - Java文档中心 - 2008-12-04 20:58:24 阅读(927) 回复(0)

父窗口创建一个提示的错误dialog,我想实现必须先关闭diaolog窗口才可以 继续操作父窗口,应为父窗口是全屏显示的,如果父窗口覆盖掉dialog窗口,但是 又没有获取到焦点的话,这样就不能进行任何操作了。

by wxgchinaunix - GUI编程 - 2008-10-20 12:27:58 阅读(2624) 回复(4)

Quote from RFC 3261: dialog: A dialog is a peer-to-peer SIP relationship between two UAs that persists for some time. A dialog is established by SIP messages, such as a 2xx response to an INVITE request. A dialog is identified by a call identifier, local tag, and a remote tag. A dialog was formerly known as a call leg in RFC 2543. So in most simple cases, a dialog represents a ca...

by linqo - 网络技术文档中心 - 2008-01-18 16:16:15 阅读(556) 回复(0)

Tips and Tricks:Show dialog From xajax Wiki Making a floating dialog box with xajax. I use smarty with my php and hope the following can help somebody. If not add improvements so my code can improve. With this dialog I am displaying forms, tables, images, help pages, progress bars .... Contents[ hide ] 1 Adding xajax to smarty 2 Floating dialog 3 Set up the dialog HTML and CSS 4 Code to display...

by liuxingyuyuni - php文档中心 - 2007-06-29 15:29:37 阅读(788) 回复(0)

overview = """\ wxPython offers quite a few general purpose dialogs for useful data input from the user; they are all based on the wx.dialog class, which you can also subclass to create custom dialogs to suit your needs. The dialog class, in addition to dialog-like behaviors, also supports the full wxWindows layout featureset, which means that you can incorporate sizers or layout constraints ...

by wxPhoenix - Python文档中心 - 2007-04-19 19:06:35 阅读(809) 回复(0)

Overview = """\ wxPython offers quite a few general purpose dialogs for useful data input from the user; they are all based on the wx.dialog class, which you can also subclass to create custom dialogs to suit your needs. The dialog class, in addition to dialog-like behaviors, also supports the full wxWindows layout featureset, which means that you can incorporate sizers or layout constraints as n...

by wxPhoenix - Python文档中心 - 2007-04-12 19:04:05 阅读(883) 回复(0)

小女子弱弱地问:如何在dialog的menubox后面执行选中的操作?譬如:菜单:1 clear 2 insert 3 update ,我若需执行2,shell 脚本该如何写? 望诸位大侠伸出援手,否则我毕不了业啦!!谢谢!!!

by 我笨故我在 - Shell - 2003-06-06 22:30:59 阅读(1464) 回复(2)

小女子弱弱地问:如何在dialog的menubox后面执行选中的操作?譬如:菜单:1 clear 2 insert 3 update ,我若需执行2,shell 脚本该如何写? 望诸位大侠伸出援手,否则我毕不了业啦!!谢谢!!!

by 我笨故我在 - Shell - 2003-06-06 20:15:37 阅读(1065) 回复(0)

:? Bourne-compatible shell program 是什么环境?文章说dialog只能在此界面下执行。是不是用一般命令行地形式没法执行该命令?请大侠们指教,多谢!

by 我笨故我在 - Shell - 2003-06-05 22:08:33 阅读(1865) 回复(3)

gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons("Fixture Patch", NULL, GTK_dialog_MODAL|GTK_dialog_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, GTK_STOCK_OK,GTK_RESPONSE_OK, GTK_STOCK_CANCEL,GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL, NULL); 这段代码会在对话框创建两个按钮。确定,取消。 如何当按下<回车键>时,自动连接到<确定>按钮执行。 谢谢。

by huitianhaha - GUI编程 - 2007-07-11 17:21:15 阅读(3144) 回复(1)