
Loaded plugins rhnplugin security

mozdev的maintainer又懒又慢 一个月前提交的Firefox Search Plugin现在还没反应 所以自己做了个页面 Firefox用户请看:

by hutuworm - Linux论坛 - 2004-09-05 14:10:28 阅读(532) 回复(2)


This article describes an easy process of implementing the observer pattern in the Spring framework (Spring Core). Also discussed in this article are a few of the Spring Core classes as well as an easy way to start the Spring Framework in any project. Finally, this article shows developers and designers that the Spring framework is a great reason to continue design pattern advocacy in your projec...

by xxcom - Java文档中心 - 2005-10-13 17:21:36 阅读(830) 回复(0)

This is my cpanel to add to the client plug-in, but the plug-in test of written language can not be with the client's language settings to make changes. How do I solve this situation? Diagram of the test and idcspy two plug-ins add me to their work. I have cpanel Builder plug-in is generated when the default is English, but I set up the client when the Chinese language the language of these two pl...

by liang3391 - 服务器应用 - 2009-09-02 16:19:54 阅读(1229) 回复(3)

we usually use five or six plugins in each app. --David Heinemeier Hansson at Canada on Rails plugins are self-contained libraries made specially for Rails. They are a great way to reuse someone else’s code or to package your own code for reuse. Unlike gems, plugins are installed directly into a specific Rails app. This makes it easier to deploy them remotely along with an entire application. I...

by peryt - Java文档中心 - 2009-05-20 11:53:06 阅读(930) 回复(0)

用Netscape访问一些有flash, audio, video的网页,如果没有安装相应的插件会提示安装,但我只能下载到flash相关的plugin, 如果是.avi, .wmv等一些文件, 我应该怎么打开呢?或应该下载哪些软件播放呢?谢谢!

by zqsq - Solaris - 2003-05-08 12:07:55 阅读(1005) 回复(6)

安装一个ANDIrand-0.7-5.8-sparc-1.pkg ,安装最后如下。 /usr/kernel/drv/random.conf Modifying /etc/ Driver (random) is already installed. Initializing random number generator... driver not loaded! 这个driver not loaded怎么解决那?谢谢。

by smallfish2186 - Solaris - 2006-08-17 11:03:11 阅读(1050) 回复(3)

最近在mysqld.log里面发现有这么一句警告,不知道会不会有影响? [Warning] Forcing shutdown of 1 plugins

by streetboy85 - MySQL - 2009-04-20 12:09:55 阅读(3871) 回复(2)

在solaris 9 的/usr/dt/appconfig/netscape/plugins/下面建了一个符号链接,链到我的j2re的安装目录下的/plugins/sparc/ns4/。 现在的问题是用root 用户登入的时候netscape help ->; about plugins能看到java plugin.但是打开有java的页面时提示没有plugin,让去download. 但是用另一个用户登进去的时候就没有问题,可以打开该java页面。 检查root用户登入时的netscape状态,发现在preferance ->; nevagato...

by fuxf - Solaris - 2005-05-18 14:23:07 阅读(936) 回复(4)

對於Port security, 一開始只是我們用來管制那些電腦可以連上公司網路的一種作法; 沒有申請的電腦, 無法連上內部網路; 自然我們就有了公司所有連網的電腦資料! 如果發生中毒或攻擊, 要找兇手就容易了! 也可以防止不相干人士, 任易地把電腦接上內部網路! SANS Institute - Intrusion Detection FAQ: Why your switched network isn't secure這篇文章有一段文字, 提到port security的妙用: "If your hub or switch has the ability ...

by 一路征程一路笑 - 网络技术文档中心 - 2009-03-16 14:54:07 阅读(1152) 回复(0)

1.安全基础: a.建立安全政策 b.使安全作为系统设计的一个完整部分。 c.勾画物理和逻辑界限。『物理:恐怖主义,火灾,洪水,暴风雨等等。逻辑:病毒入侵,黑客,糟糕的系统配置,产品易损性』 d.开发安全码 2.基于风险的原理 a.降低风险到一个cost-effective点。 b.假定所有外部入口,eg用户,系统,网络,应用和数据,豆薯不可信任的。 c.识别贸易在减少风险和增加成本之间,和降低可操作的无效性。 d.实现量身定制安全控制。 e....

by solaris_IP - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-11-06 17:28:36 阅读(1434) 回复(0)

If you can't stop them getting in, catch them on the way out. Topics Password DB Link Password Cracking Track Objects Changed/Accessed SQL/Cursor Injection Startup Files Change Password with BBED Vulnerable Packages Network Note: All test cases are done on Oracle 92040 or 92080 or 10203 or 11106 under RHEL AS 4 without CPU applied.  Password The main password encryption principles are:...

by yaping - Oracle - 2008-09-01 08:53:26 阅读(3438) 回复(8)