
lvdisplay v current stale fsck

我一个同事做完镜像后,拿走了一个硬盘,现在只有一个物理卷,但是显示还是2 PV,请教各位怎么把它清除掉呢?谢谢! # lsvg -l rootvg rootvg: LV NAME TYPE LPs PPs PVs LV STATE MOUNT POINT hd5 boot 1 2 2 closed/stale N/A hd6 paging 8 16 2 open/stale N/A hd8 jfs2log 1 2 2 open/stale ...

by szns123 - AIX - 2007-08-18 11:33:31 阅读(2171) 回复(3)


谁能解释一下下面两个命令的运行结果有何不同: fsck -y /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 fsck -o f, p /dev/rdsk/c0t0d0s6 都是修复一般错误时使用的,有何不一样呢 ?

by dingdingA8 - Solaris - 2008-07-31 13:05:34 阅读(1642) 回复(5)

大家请指叫: sun blade2000机器,其中/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2盘数拒无法看到. 操做如下: 1:mount -ro /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 /data 显示如下 mount : /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 on /data - WARNING unknow options "/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 " 2: # df -k 显示如下 kbytes used avail capacity Mounte on /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s2 70565698 67152037 2708005 97% ...

by bird2002 - Solaris - 2005-06-28 15:15:44 阅读(1223) 回复(3)

When you are installing sth ,the system is powered off suddently ,it may lead to some unpredictable problem ,such as some discontinuous package installtion. ## pkgadd -d. SUNWxf86r Processing package instance ; from ; XFree86 Driver Porting Kit (Root) (i386) 4.0.3,REV=0.2001.07.20 WARNING: stale lock installed for pkgadd, pkg SUNWxf86r quit in initial state. Removing lock. Copyright 2001 Sun ...

by sunyeait - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-05-05 15:54:41 阅读(1503) 回复(0)

請問 Sybase 有沒有像 DB2 的 current timestamp 這種特殊字串啊? 因為我用 current timestamp 結果就變成 "current timestamp"字串而不是當時的時間戳記(但是DB2是可以的) thx 有先用 timestamp 搜尋過版面了,但是找不到資料只好發帖來問... 在線等待 :)

by cyclops49 - Sybase - 2004-11-29 13:06:24 阅读(1049) 回复(0)

help: 谁能告诉我as400怎么加静态路由啊

by radius - AS400 - 2004-01-07 09:56:46 阅读(941) 回复(1)


by 背景离乡 - AIX - 2006-03-01 15:54:17 阅读(2141) 回复(4)

OS是UNIXRARE 7.1.1, 阵列是RAIDPRO 3500 做 fsck -F vxfs -o full /dev/rdsk/c2b0t0d0s1 pass0 - checking structural files pass1 - checking inode sanity and blocks ........ 最后提示 vxfs fsck: fsck read failure bno=604 off=0 len=8912 file system check failure, aborting ... 可以修复吗

by wangdonsy - 其他UNIX - 2009-01-15 09:43:46 阅读(2008) 回复(0)

fsck命令 对文件系统进行检查,并对损害的文件系统进行修复。 fsck的语法如下: fsck (-F fstype) (-v) (-m) (-special…) fsck (-F fstype) (-v) (-y|Y|n|N) (-o fstype options) (special…) 其中: -F fstype : 说明被检查的文件系统的类型 -v : 返回完成的命令行,但不运行 -y|Y: 对所有问题均回答Yes -n|N: 对所有问题均回答No -m: 对文件系统进行检查,不修复文件系统, 如果文件系统经检查后是可安装的...

by 古月石 - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-12-11 23:26:01 阅读(713) 回复(0)

fsck -p Does not display messages about minor problems but fixes them automatically. This flag does not grant the wholesale license that the -y flag does and is useful for performing automatic checks when the system is started normally. You should use this flag as part of the system startup procedures, whenever the system is being run automatically. If the primary superblock is corrupt, the seco...

by jiazf82 - AIX文档中心 - 2006-10-26 10:44:17 阅读(1065) 回复(0)

对文件系统进行检查,并对损害的文件系统进行修复。 fsck的语法如下: fsck (-F fstype) (-v) (-m) (-special…) fsck (-F fstype) (-v) (-y|Y|n|N) (-o fstype options) (special…) 其中: -F fstype : 说明被检查的文件系统的类型 -v : 返回完成的命令行,但不运行 -y|Y: 对所有问题均回答Yes -n|N: 对所有问题均回答No -m: 对文件系统进行检查,不修复文件系统, 如果文件系统经检查后是可安装的,则显示...

by dupeng144 - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-09-07 10:34:26 阅读(671) 回复(0)