
blocking sess=0x(nil) seq=15

我从form中读取很多复选框的数据,存在一个变量里面, 比如$mod,然后用split(/-/,$mod)得到数组,但是这个数组中除第一个元素外,其他的元素第一个字符都是nil,怎么去掉这个nil字符啊 arpbind length = 7 squidguard length = 11 sysinfo length = 8 networking length = 11 fastclickoften length = 15 spamassassin_wb length = 16 spamassassin_keyfilte length = 22 spamassassin_delwith length = 21

by andijo - Perl - 2005-09-08 20:27:34 阅读(1594) 回复(1)


通常讲的blocking lock是否就是被其他锁锁住的锁? :em02: 偶有点不确定,特问一下? (可以不回答,不可打击哟! :em14: :em14: )

by 常笑 - Sybase - 2004-06-21 16:29:23 阅读(1400) 回复(5)

今天用glob写一个程序,但是结果让我不理解 for(i=0;inil) what does this mean */ ...

by dirtysalt - C/C++ - 2008-01-06 11:17:32 阅读(9265) 回复(4)

最近,帮一个朋友做个作业。我看了关于seq的东西,但没有学习shell. 所以,程序如何用shell写还不清楚,最后写成.sh文件。 向各位前辈请教。 题目是:是实现一个文本替换过滤的命令, 命令的语法是:rep [-csfp] old new [file...] 用seq实现。 -c 代表字符形式 -s代表字符串形式 -f 代表不区分大小写 -p代表代表区分大小写. 有一些要求: 如果没有[-csfp],只是rep old new ,则以字符串形式替换。我查到的方法是:sed 's/...

by rez - Shell - 2006-11-08 11:41:32 阅读(1223) 回复(3)

By default, sockets are blocking. This means that when we issue a socket call that cannot be completed immediately, our process is put to sleep, waiting for the condition to be true. We can divide the socket calls that may block into four categories: Input operations— These include the read, readv, recv, recvfrom, and recvmsg functions. If we call one of these input functions for a blocking TCP...

by khyang - 网络技术文档中心 - 2006-08-24 10:07:35 阅读(823) 回复(0)

在公司的WEB服务器上的/tmp目录下有这些个文件,不知道是做什么的,时不时就生成一个. 后来我打看一看发现文件里面都是这样的格式: vCode|s:4:"cbDC"; 而且每个文件" "里的字母都不一样,请问这是个什么东东啊? -rw------- 1 user user 17 Apr 6 12:01 sess_042327af5f9d8872974f8486c1c7e974 -rw------- 1 user user 17 Apr 6 11:36 sess_096fe150a86c12d092ac000c6d56a60f -rw------- 1 u...

by xiapeng - 数据安全 - 2006-04-06 13:28:29 阅读(1862) 回复(1)

001-999 而不是1-999 000001-999999

by fengshasha - Shell - 2009-07-13 17:42:14 阅读(2160) 回复(13)

Users are using software to get around firewall policies. This article describes how to prevent this type of use. Use FortiGuard Web Filtering options in the protection profile to block this type of software, referred to as proxy avoidance. To configure the web filtering Go to Firewall > Protection Profile. Select edit for a protection profile. Select the blue arrow for FortiGuard Web Filtering ...

by bu - 网络技术文档中心 - 2006-11-18 20:01:01 阅读(648) 回复(0)

We have xp1000 workstation running Tru64 Unix 4.0f and are having the following problem. I can log onto the system via CDE successfully. When I try to open a terminal from desktop, I get the following error Unable to set non-blocking on pty,why? thank you!

by 飞天二狭 - 其他UNIX - 2004-01-02 14:38:29 阅读(2092) 回复(1)



by alexhappy - 网络技术 - 2008-12-12 16:20:09 阅读(3416) 回复(13)