
Error mounting mount unknown filesystem type 'ntfs

想在centos 5.4下挂载windows分区 已经安装FUSE和ntfs-3G 但是最后执行mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/WinC 后出现unknown filesystem type 'ntfs' 用的命令如下 先装gcc yum install gcc 装FUSE yum install fuse 装ntfs-3g ./configure make make install 在mnt文件夹中创建WinC文件夹,用来对应Windows下的分区 mkdir /mnt/WinC mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 /mnt/WinC 将Windows下的各分区挂载在WinC下

by 诅咒假面 - Linux系统管理 - 2009-11-02 09:37:40 阅读(6097) 回复(5)


今天刚装上CentOs,不过ntfs格式的文件系统挂载不上,作后发现/lib/modules/2.6.*-*/kernel/fs/目录下没有ntfs格式支持文件,所以应该下载你系统内核版本对应的ntfs格式支持包,解决方案如下: 1、先查看你系统内核的版本 #uname -pr 2.6.18-92.el5 i686 2、打开下面的网址: 找到与你内核版本相同的*.rpm包,下载到本地文件中! 3、安装*rpm包文件 rpm -ivh *.rpm 至此你就能...

by sanweidaying - Linux文档专区 - 2009-07-31 00:11:55 阅读(1025) 回复(0)

i have linux 9.0 and winXP on my pc. for some days i do not use linux, and one day when i select to boot to linux, the GRUB becomes a black-white charactor interface. when i use the command: "root(hd0, ", and press key [tab] to show the useable partiton, it show me that most partition is "file system type unknow", except a fat32 and swap partiton. i have several ntfs partitions and a fat32 partit...

by flightbird - Linux论坛 - 2003-08-18 09:29:38 阅读(4461) 回复(1)

i have linux 9.0 and winXP on my pc. for some days i do not use linux, and one day when i select to boot to linux, the GRUB becomes a black-white charactor interface. when i use the command: "root(hd0, ", and press key [tab] to show the useable partiton, it show me that most partition is "file system type unknow", except a fat32 and swap partiton. i have several ntfs partitions and a fat32 partit...

by flightbird - Linux系统管理 - 2003-08-18 09:29:38 阅读(2494) 回复(1)


by study-work-livi - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2005-09-25 13:29:12 阅读(935) 回复(1)


by study-work-livi - 内核源码 - 2005-09-25 13:29:12 阅读(1470) 回复(1)

SUSE 10为什么不能mount光盘和ISO文件呢? linux:~ # mount -o loop ZEN7_LinuxMgmt_with_IR1.iso /mnt/ mount: unknown filesystem type 'iso9660' linux:~ # 请问你有人碰到过吗? 是否是内核不支持导致?

by lengi - Linux系统管理 - 2007-04-02 15:45:57 阅读(4013) 回复(1)

当我在linux系统mountSGI系统上的文件目录时有错误发生,请各位指导。 错误提示如下:

by wxxW - Linux论坛 - 2003-11-18 18:03:29 阅读(593) 回复(0)

当我在linux系统mountSGI系统上的文件目录时有错误发生,请各位指导。 错误提示如下:

by wxxW - Linux系统管理 - 2003-11-18 18:03:29 阅读(537) 回复(0)

mount: you must specify the filesystem type 我已经mkfs.ext3 /dev/xvdb1 想加载 mount /dev/xvdb1 /home

by qq2886180 - Linux新手园地 - 2012-12-14 10:23:26 阅读(32016) 回复(9)