
EXP00002 error in writing to export file

fail over user or system filesize limit 2GB. 系统是AIX 5.2.0 用户是使用root操作的,导入到tsm时文件大小是6GB,难道ibm对自己的东西??? 察看了ROOT用户的属性并没有文件大小的限制阿 那位大虾有没有解决的办法

by alonemo - AIX - 2007-06-25 16:40:03 阅读(1711) 回复(2)


fail over user or system filesize limit 2GB.\r\n系统是AIX 5.2.0\r\n用户是使用root操作的,导入到tsm时文件大小是6GB,难道ibm对自己的东西???\r\n察看了ROOT用户的属性并没有文件大小的限制阿\r\n那位大虾有没有解决的办法

by alonemo - AIX - 2007-06-25 16:34:27 阅读(3368) 回复(1)


by sss0213 - MySQL - 2011-12-21 08:42:52 阅读(792) 回复(0)

在公司用的2003的系统,一切运作正常 把整站系统copy到家里机器(xp),没有删除缓存文件前提下,运作也是完全正常,但是当我改变文件任一内容,或者删除掉缓存文件后就提示如下错误: Warning: Smarty error: problem writing temporary file 'C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\wriD3.tmp' in E:\usr\local\www\data\kezi\_configs\smarty\Smarty.class.php on line 1100 Warning: fetch(../_templates_c/manager\%%87^87E^

by yunshen - PHP - 2006-04-25 15:36:21 阅读(3017) 回复(4)

oracle 在REDHat 9 安装出现一下问题: CPU 志强处理器3G :oops: /u01/oracle/product/doc/????? 为什么?请教各位大侠!!! 万分紧急!!!!!!! 赶快救火!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by zhwsh - Oracle - 2004-06-09 17:44:03 阅读(2471) 回复(3)

mysqlbinlog: error writing file 'unopened' win2003 这个错误谁遇到过,说是mysql版本问题。 日志是5.0备份的,用5.0和5.1。47恢复都有这个问题。。

by koenemy - MySQL - 2011-06-15 10:47:03 阅读(3571) 回复(1)

我的服务器上安装了DZ5.5的论坛程序,现在出现这样的情况不知道怎么办,希望有人叫我怎么解决 [code] Discuz! info: MySQL Query error User: kuaiqs Time: 2007-7-6 7:34pm Script: /index.php SQL: SELECT t.*, FROM threads t, forums f WHERE t.fid<>'0' AND f.fid=t.fid ORDER BY t.dateline DESC LIMIT 0, 10 error: error writing file '/var/tmp/MYYLVtke' (Errcode: 28) Errno.: 3 [/co...

by kuaiqs - BSD - 2007-07-08 22:48:35 阅读(5679) 回复(9)

以前man帮助都好用,可是今天一打man ls就出下面的错误,怎么回事呢? man: 0703-311 error writing to temporary file.

by zhouhaiming - AIX - 2003-06-03 09:09:51 阅读(2700) 回复(3)

以前man帮助都好用,可是今天一打man ls就出下面的错误,怎么回事呢?\r\nman: 0703-311 error writing to temporary file.

by zhouhaiming - AIX - 2003-06-03 09:09:51 阅读(3477) 回复(3)

writing a Simple file System Author: []Ravi Kiran UVS[/email] 1. Objective We will write a file system with very basic functionality. This is to understand the working of certain kernel code paths of the Virtual file System (VFS). This filesystem has only one file 'hello.txt'. We can read/write into it. 2. Introduction The Linux VFS supports multiple file systems. The ...

by zhengsheng2010 - Linux文档专区 - 2010-02-04 10:49:05 阅读(1094) 回复(0)

Note: This file has been modified. The code works for 2.6 kernels. You can get the old code/article here . writing a Simple file System Author: []Ravi Kiran UVS[/email] 1. Objective We will write a file system with very basic functionality. This is to understand the working of certain kernel code paths of the Virtual file System (VFS). This filesystem has only one fil...

by daniel.ljy - Linux文档专区 - 2008-04-28 21:20:28 阅读(489) 回复(0)