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启用vsftpd服务,用ftp localhost 命令之后,出现一些错误信息: ftp:/usr/kerberos/ version information available (required by ftp) ftp:/usr/kerberos/ version information available (required by ftp) ftp:/usr/kerberos/ version information available (required by ftp) ... 这是什么问题啊?谢谢指教.

by hongutay - 服务器应用 - 2007-10-24 10:51:24 阅读(1509) 回复(0)

相关讨论 no version information available 谁能告诉我这是什么毛病。

by zhengrong_zhu - 嵌入式开发 - 2008-10-09 13:45:10 阅读(1593) 回复(0)

我在android上面做一些gstreamer的开发工作 尝试显示出gstreamer自己的调试信息 在android模拟器上面运行:gst-launch-0.10 --gst-debug-level=1 audiotestsrc ! audioflingersink 结果显示: Could not open converter from 'ASCII' to 'UTF-8' 自己调试发现:libiconv在android上面已经移除了 大家遇到过这问题吗? 请问是怎么解决的? 怎么看调试信息?

by starT_T - 移动操作系统 - 2011-07-19 11:33:54 阅读(7390) 回复(10)

各位大虾 我在rhat6.0 64位上编译android4.1的时候 总是出现/lib/ no version information available 和 /lib64/ no version information available 这样的问题 ,不知道各位有没有碰到。解决的办法是什么?

by xmer108 - Linux新手园地 - 2013-11-04 09:01:57 阅读(9369) 回复(9)

摘 要: As organizations face the prospect of storing and managing an increasing amount of information, they are rapidly turning to Storage Area Networks (SANs) as a cost-effective way to implement a highly strategic technology infrastructure. SANs are designed to provide a flexible environment that decouples servers from their storage devices through the use of Fibre Channel switch technolog...


by 瓶客 - 存储资源下载 - 2008-11-27 11:27:59 阅读(1206) 回复(0)

摘 要: As organizations face the prospect of storing and managing an increasing amount of information, they are rapidly turning to Storage Area Networks (SANs) as a cost-effective way to implement a highly strategic technology infrastructure. SANs are designed to provide a flexible environment that decouples servers from their storage devices through the use of Fibre Channel switch technolog...


by 瓶客 - 存储资源下载 - 2008-11-03 10:30:34 阅读(1252) 回复(0)

  1. Wed Jul xx xx:xx:45 20xx
  2. Process J000 submission failed with error = 20
  3. kkjcre1p: unable to spawn jobq slave process
  4. Errors in file /xx/trace/down_cjq0_2346.trc:
  5. <...

by 十字螺丝钉 - Oracle - 2011-12-22 08:53:59 阅读(1721) 回复(0)

Is that true? We got two ways for Oracle 9i TNS listener configuration: The first one comes with Oracle8.1.7 and works with 9.0.1. You don't have to declare the databases the listener must listen. The second one is to use the "old fashion" way to declare the databases the listener must listen (add SID_LIST for each database) It seems the first one is slow when I connect to the database. Am I...

by williamw2000 - Oracle - 2003-10-21 21:09:05 阅读(1026) 回复(0)

Unix,C的创建者的忏悔 在前不久举行的一次关于计算机产业的发布会上,Ken Thompson,Dennis Ritchie 和Brian Kernighan承认了由他们创建的Unix操作系统和C语言是来源于20年前的一个精心炮制的愚人节游戏! Thompson是在不久以前在UnixWorld软件开发论坛上说的这番话: “在1969年,AT&T刚刚完成一个和GE还有Honeywell公司合作的项目--Multics,那时候我和Brian 也刚刚接触一个由瑞士ETH实验室的Nicklaus教授创建的PASCAL...

by quiet - Solaris - 2003-10-10 09:37:09 阅读(674) 回复(2)

Unix,C的创建者的忏悔\r\n\r\n 在前不久举行的一次关于计算机产业的发布会上,Ken Thompson,Dennis Ritchie 和Brian Kernighan承认了由他们创建的Unix操作系统和C语言是来源于20年前的一个精心炮制的愚人节游戏! Thompson是在不久以前在UnixWorld软件开发论坛上说的这番话: \r\n “在1969年,AT&T刚刚完成一个和GE还有Honeywell公司合作的项目--Multics,那时候我和Brian 也刚刚接触一个由瑞士ETH实验室的Nicklaus教授创建...

by quiet - Solaris - 2003-10-10 09:37:09 阅读(2564) 回复(2)