
brctl bridge interfaces

In the U.S., the telephone company provides its BRI customers with a U interface. The U interface is a two-wire (single pair) interface from the phone switch, the same physical interface provided for POTS lines. It supports full-duplex data transfer over a single pair of wires, therefore only a single device can be connected to a U interface. This device is called an Network Termination 1 (NT-1)....

by linqo - 网络技术文档中心 - 2007-12-21 04:47:40 阅读(524) 回复(0)


我现在在做个根文件系统(在Windows下做的,不需要交叉编译),这个文件系统要支持brctl命令,我用的是busybox做的。 busybox里边也支持brctl命令,但是支持的参数有些少。 我现在下载了一个brctl命令的源码包,经过我编译之后得到二进制文件,我使用ldd命令查处它所依赖的库文件,我把二进制文件和库文件都考到我做好的文件系统的相应文件夹下。 二进制命令是这样移植吗,我的方法对吗,我这样做出来的文件系统能用吗? 我这样试...


by indigogao - 内核源码 - 2010-10-18 15:15:49 阅读(5004) 回复(0)


by flyfrogs - Linux系统管理 - 2008-07-20 23:21:14 阅读(2988) 回复(5)

写了一个有关无线AP的脚本,想让它在启动是自动加载,就是让一个Linux机器启动后就成为AP点,但是启动后却看不到网桥,查看一下/var/log/messages中发现,modprobe:cann't locate module br0。不知道是为什么 请各位高手多多指教 附:所编写的脚本 modprobe ath_pci autocreate=ap brctl addbr br0 brctl addif br0 ath0 brctl addif br0 eth0 ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig ath0 iwconfig ath0 essid "AP1" 在...

by yueqiming_1983 - Linux系统管理 - 2008-03-07 13:11:34 阅读(1923) 回复(5)

文件:pci_bridge_to_bridge_UnEncrypted.pdf 大小:436KB 下载: 下载 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by hdh_1983 - Linux文档专区 - 2009-08-04 17:56:58 阅读(696) 回复(0)

fedora 5 2.6.15 核心,两块 realtek 8139 网卡,一台 catalyst 2924 交换机 2924的 fa0/1 口为 trunk , fa/20~24 属于vlan2 fa0/3~6属于vlan3 打算把Linux机器作为透明的网桥,试验Trunk的配置。 Linux机器的 eth1 接 2924 的 fa0/1 口 在配置vlan的时候发生了桥接无法生效的问题,配置命令如下: vconfig add eth1 2 vconfig add eth1 3 ifconfig eth1.2 up ifconfig eth1.3 up brctl addbr br0 brctl addif...

by net-wolf - 网络与硬件 - 2006-09-15 10:20:11 阅读(4433) 回复(12)

fedora 5 2.6.15 核心,两块 realtek 8139 网卡,一台 catalyst 2924 交换机 2924的 fa0/1 口为 trunk , fa/20~24 属于vlan2 fa0/3~6属于vlan3 打算把Linux机器作为透明的网桥,试验Trunk的配置。 Linux机器的 eth1 接 2924 的 fa0/1 口 在配置vlan的时候发生了桥接无法生效的问题,配置命令如下: vconfig add eth1 2 vconfig add eth1 3 ifconfig eth1.2 up ifconfig eth1.3 up brctl addbr br0 brctl addif...

by net-wolf - Linux系统管理 - 2006-09-15 10:20:11 阅读(7265) 回复(12)

Abstract Server and workstation machines that are running Samba often have multiple network interfaces. Sometimes it may not be prudent to allow Samba to be accessed over all network interfaces. This article describes the smb.conf parameters used to restrict Samba to only use particular network interfaces, and how to test this is actually working using some Unix command line tools. ------------...

by yinhezhanshen - Linux系统管理 - 2010-04-19 21:13:14 阅读(1364) 回复(0)

interfaces in the Linux kernel to embed new functionalities. Functionality Functions for Dynamic Registration Character devices (un)register_chrdev( ) Block devices (un)register_blkdev( ) Binary formats (un)register_binfmt( ) File systems (un)register_filesystem( ) Serial interfaces (un)register_serial( ) Network adapters (un)register_netdev( ) Layer-3 protocols dev_add_pack( ), dev_remove_pac...

by platinum - Linux文档专区 - 2008-11-06 10:47:47 阅读(766) 回复(0)

目录 VLAN and bridging concepts Basics VLAN Trunking Bridging interfaces under OpenWRT Architecture Interface configuration DMZ Vlan In this page, "the OpenWRT" refers to any such supported network device running OpenWRT that has a similar network config. 1. VLAN and bridging concepts 1.1. Basics Before getting too far into the details, it's important to know what VLANs are ...

by chengx2007 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-01-18 14:45:46 阅读(640) 回复(0)

在某些Unix平台上,ASE的interfaces文件中关于SERVER的信息可能16进制的形式存储的,必须要通过实用 程序dscp才能进行修改。 实际上,我们只要了解了这些16进制数据的格式,也可以直接通过vi来更改interfaces文件。 下面以e3000为例,介绍一下interfaces文件的结构和格式: 用vi打开/opt/sybase/interfaces,可以看到这些信息: E3000      master tli tcp /dev/tcp \x00021a0a9e4d51f80000000000000000...

by ehero - Sybase - 2009-01-10 11:35:59 阅读(3929) 回复(4)