
mount o bg hard

bg Starts running the stopped job in the background 不太明白这句话的意思任务停止了怎么又让它运行呢

by zhaobin81 - Shell - 2009-03-09 10:33:58 阅读(1245) 回复(6)



by 猪仔很忙 - BSD - 2008-01-28 23:47:55 阅读(1815) 回复(4)

NFS系统在mount时有一个 hard参数,启用后在远端主机重启、网络中断并恢复后,可以不断尝试重新连接远端的共享目录。试了一下samba,好象不行,得手工umount后再mount上才行 我想到的办法只是写一个脚本来守护samba的连接情况,不知有没有更好的办法解决这个问题? [ 本帖最后由 lrjcintel 于 2006-4-26 09:43 编辑 ]

by lrjcintel - 服务器应用 - 2006-04-26 03:27:37 阅读(2496) 回复(0)

This is a lost and found article. I wrote it some time ago, but for whatever reason, most likely stupidity, it was never published. During a recent rework of the site, I found the article and added it to the database. 14 August 1998 I bought a new hard drive tonight. It should give me enough space to install and upgrade to 2.2.7 . Unfortunately, I need a new I/O board as my current one doesn't...

by 剑心通明 - BSD文档中心 - 2008-04-09 17:02:15 阅读(951) 回复(0)

hard quote soft quoe 能在那些命令起到关闭mate作用 像在echo 中使用"" '' 中就能起来很重要的作用。 [ 本帖最后由 zhangkeyijian 于 2006-11-22 21:45 编辑 ]

by zhangkeyijian - Shell - 2006-11-22 22:26:30 阅读(1365) 回复(1)

今天开始看SA-239,遇到hard links一节,看是看明白了,但是不知道这种连接在什么情况下使用,请各位讲解一下,谢谢!

by glowwarm - Solaris - 2005-07-14 22:45:54 阅读(824) 回复(0)

hard link是文件名和inode之间的链接,那么用ls -l命令结果: -r--r--r-- 2 root sys。。。。。。。 2是指hard link吗,如果是,为什么不是1啊?从上面的解释我认为应该只有1啊 谢谢!

by dhlx2006 - Solaris - 2005-03-28 16:25:31 阅读(693) 回复(1)