
oracle ANALYZE

:oops: 请问各位老兄: oracle analyze这个东东究竟怎么用? 执行analyze table table_name compute statistics for all indexes;oracle究竟会告诉我们什么啊?多多指教哦!!!

by kuanglong - Oracle - 2003-03-05 23:07:38 阅读(927) 回复(0)


我想对数据库里的表作分析 analyze table stat.TA000104 compute statistics for all columns; 做完后,使用以下语句查看: select table_name,column_name,last_analyzed from user_tab_columns where table_name='TA000104'; 结果发现last_analyzed出居然没显示。 这张表我作了partition 然后,我在另一个数据库里又挑了一张作了partition的表作分析 analyze table VMIS.AREAPARA compute statistics for all columns; 这次再...

by shula - Oracle - 2003-12-22 18:37:45 阅读(1060) 回复(3)


by jimhui168 - Oracle - 2003-01-24 16:30:07 阅读(1430) 回复(1)

In this third case we get to see some really fun stuff: The effect of analyze on index selection for a three table join, an ORDER BY with LIMIT optimization, and documented evidence that what we'll fix makes a night and day difference for the better. The customer in this case runs a gaming website using the Neocrome Land Down Under website engine. The customer's website averages...

by wenzk - MySQL文档中心 - 2007-03-11 17:51:39 阅读(1119) 回复(0)

这是一个链接分析工具,借助 nutch/tools/ 做了一个封装,便于更方便的使用 nutch/tools/ 上 RUN: mydb 3 进行3层链接分析 程序先打开webDB/stats 看有多少page,linke 一下三行代码可以看出 stats文件的内容 int version = (byte); this.totalPages = in.readLong(); this.totalLinks = in.readLong(); 然后根据分...

by RobinKin - Java文档中心 - 2006-05-06 12:34:29 阅读(779) 回复(0)

A Case Study on debugging a system panic due to memory corruption. System panics due to kernel heap corruption The system panicked multiple times. This crash dump was taken after setting kmem_flags. SolarisCAT(vmcore.4):10> stat core file: /cores/63804466/vmcore.4 user: Cores User (cores:911) release: 5.8 (64-bit) version: Generic_108528-24 machine: sun4u n...

by nimysun - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-04-08 11:34:15 阅读(1273) 回复(0)

我这里有一块新的36G硬盘,放在sun multipack中。为了确认硬盘是否存在物理问题,使用format中的analyze中的verify对全盘进行检查。但是检查的进程意外中断了。再进入format并选择此盘的时候,提示该盘没有进行lable,选yes。然后查看分区情况,发现分区变成了另外一种形式,和之前的完全不同。之前在这块硬盘的一个分区上已经建立了文件系统,而且mount成功了。我手动修改了分区表,恢复成原来的状态,进行lable。但是再一次verif...

by iris - Solaris - 2004-04-07 09:37:48 阅读(874) 回复(1)

我看书上提到: 在CBO规则下 如果表和索引的重要特性发生改变就要重新分析,可以SQL的执行计划可能就也跟着改变了。 这个怎么理解? 求一些analyze分析表,索引的资料

by orablueunix - Oracle - 2004-03-26 13:43:10 阅读(1011) 回复(3)

Any tool out there can monitor SCO Unix 505 tcp/ip ? I can't find the snoop command....

by irontech - 其他UNIX - 2003-07-22 11:03:10 阅读(779) 回复(0)

A nice artical talking about IDS locking :-

by IFMXDBA - Informix - 2006-09-16 01:07:19 阅读(1364) 回复(0)

我的数据库一做analyze或vacuum或者是其他导入导出命令报如下错误 FATAL: XLogFlush: request 0/CCB6018 is not satisfied --- flushed only to 0/CA26 请问什么原因?怎样处理?谢谢! [ 本帖最后由 YOU_NG 于 2006-6-30 10:23 编辑 ]

by YOU_NG - PostgreSQL - 2006-06-30 10:21:38 阅读(2893) 回复(0)