
wmnotify Create

序列是一種資料庫物件,它能夠跟據某些法則來產生一些整數,最常見的用途就是用來產生某個表的主鍵 SQL> create SEQUENCE serial START WITH 1; //创建序列号 SQL> create table test_wang(a number(4),b varchar2(16));// 创建表格 SQL> insert into test_wang (a,b) values(serial.NEXTVAL,'chinaren'); // 插入 SQL> select serial.NEXTVAL from dual;// 当前序列号的值+1; SQL> select serial.CURRVAL from dual; //当前序列...

by wzplove - Java文档中心 - 2005-09-26 17:07:56 阅读(789) 回复(0)


I wish to know how I going to know am I create a correct index? Can any provide some examples for creating a proper index? THANKS...

by toms1981 - DB2 - 2004-07-08 17:05:05 阅读(1050) 回复(3)

请问create trigger创建的是什么? 下面的sql是做什么的?谢谢 create trigger "cbps".tu_rev_rec update of rev_status,ac_rev_amnt on "cbps".rev_rec referencing old as old_upd new as new_upd for each row ( execute procedure "cbps".pu_rev_rec(old_upd.i_info_appl_branch ,old_upd.i_info_date ,old_upd.i_info_appl_no ,old_upd.rev_item_code ,old_upd.rev_status ,new_upd....

by forwenus - Informix - 2004-04-11 01:25:35 阅读(1464) 回复(7)

请问create procedure 是在什么环境下写的,在isql里可以编辑吗?在vi里可以编辑吗?多谢

by xiaoer20 - Informix - 2003-09-20 16:01:56 阅读(1154) 回复(3)

我把并发量提到600的时候就报错,不是数据库连接限制问题,我设置的是1500个连接 [ 本帖最后由 justlooks 于 2009-9-2 14:22 编辑 ]

by justlooks - MySQL - 2009-09-03 13:24:47 阅读(2014) 回复(4)


by 小木虫子 - MySQL - 2009-08-11 18:40:49 阅读(1614) 回复(5)

mysql> create table shop (article int(4) unsigned zerofill default '0000' not null, dealer char(20) default '' not null, price double(16,2) default '0.00' not null, primary key(article, dealer)); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by nychenlei - MySQL文档中心 - 2009-07-23 15:23:30 阅读(1028) 回复(0)

mysqlslap -uroot -p12345678 --debug-info --auto-generate-sql --auto-generate-sql-load-type=mixed -h -P 3307 --concurrency=305 --number-of-queries=1000 --create-schema=t1 mysqlslap: Could not create thread 有人碰到这个问题么,并发数最大就是304了,数字再大就抱这个错,我测试了好几台mysql都是一样

by nianzong - MySQL - 2009-07-06 12:08:41 阅读(3073) 回复(5)

1.Assign a disk from diskarry to cluster 2.init the disk vxdisksetup -i disk_name 3. create a diskgroup vxdg init diskgroup disk_name=device_tag eg: # vxdg init datadg datadg01=Disk_1 4.create a volume vxassist -g diskgroup make volume_name length [attributes] eg: # vxassist -g datadg make datavol 10g 5. create fs mkfs -F vxfs volumename eg: # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/datadg/datavol 6. mount disk...

by ringz - Solaris文档中心 - 2009-03-17 16:17:50 阅读(1674) 回复(0)

create solaris flash archive 首先创建一个文件系统用于存放flash文件: [root@node01 /]mkdir /u01 [root@node01 /]newfs /dev/dsk/c0t1d0s0 newfs: construct a new file system /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0: (y/n)? y Warning: 5810 sector(s) in last cylinder unallocated /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0: 143358286 sectors in 23334 cylinders of 48 tracks, 128 sectors 69999.2MB in 1459 cyl groups (16 c/g, 48.00MB/g, 5824...

by jacky.lee - Solaris文档中心 - 2008-11-12 15:28:03 阅读(2250) 回复(0)

在RED HAT 9下装好svn1.2.3后,运行svnadmin create /home/svn/alwinproject时出现段错误 请高手赐教

by nigel2lm - C/C++ - 2008-04-25 14:31:11 阅读(2203) 回复(2)