
Prepare Toolchain

I am using u-boot 1.20. Probably continues to be. It is from They have a ELDK, and uses crosstool. I downloaded ELDK 4.2 Later on I found there's a codesourcery , which seems to use more updated version. For ARM EABI reasons, it's better to use kernel with 2.6.16 or newer. The latest crosstool included in ELDK is 0.42-3 gcc 4.22 kernel headers 2.6.2...

by bigtrumpet - Linux文档专区 - 2009-02-06 16:28:16 阅读(1004) 回复(0)


大家帮我看看这句,我是菜鸟 sprintf(str_info,"select id,icp_name,biz_name,infodetail_fee from scott.afp_infodetail%s where device_no=?",yyyymm); EXEC SQL prepare infodetail FROM :str_info; EXEC SQL DECLARE info_cur CURSOR FOR infodetail; 上面prepare 语句是做什么的

by junenggai - DB2 - 2006-05-14 18:13:49 阅读(1207) 回复(0)

toolchain package case: 1. gcc-4.6.0 + eglibc-2.13 2. gcc-4.6.2 + eglibc-2.13 3. gcc-4.4.4 + eglibc-2.14 4. gcc-4.6.2 + eglibc-2.14 Test case: busybox-1.13-x ~ busybox-1.19.3 qemu-0.13 ~ qemu-0.15

by rouchel - MaxWit & g-bios - 2011-11-18 13:39:37 阅读(2710) 回复(8)


by jack4010 - MaxWit & g-bios - 2011-05-26 15:57:07 阅读(2977) 回复(1)

以前都是直接到网上去下载现成的toolchain , 一是权威网站提供的toolchain很权威经典(比如arm-9tdmi-linux-gnu , 还有2.95的那个) ,而是自己也真不会做,以前看过类似的文章, 麻烦的要命, 也觉得没有必要把时间浪费在这上面。 不过通过这两天做toolchain , 我彻底改变看法了。 这个东西还是自己掌握方法是最重要的。 不能依赖别人。 几种情况必须重新生成toolchain(我说的是个大概念,包括glibc和gdb) 1,厂商提...

by bob_zhang2004 - Linux文档专区 - 2008-12-09 17:29:22 阅读(904) 回复(0)

GNU toolchain(GUN开发工具链)是进行linux环境开发得基本工具,主要包括三个部分:GCC,glibc,binutils。 1、 GCC 目前GCC已经并不仅仅的代表C编译器,而是表示编译器的家族(GNU Compiler Collection),它能够编译C,C++,Ada,Object-C和Java等多种高级语言。 这里要提一下得是有关GCC版本得问题,虽然目前GCC得最新版本已经到了4.1.2,但是因为GCC与你的系统有很大的关系,不要轻易的更换你使用的GCC版本,否则很...

by - Linux文档专区 - 2007-04-13 15:24:10 阅读(600) 回复(0)

参考2个文章 binutils : binutils-2.16.tar.gz # cd binutils-2.16 # mkdir binutils # cd binutils # ../configure --target=arm-linux # make (有提示说configure有问题, 重新configure了, 不用理他) # make install 网上如下过程没用到。。。+ #########################################3 vi ld/earmelf_linux.c - add a new S...

by zqy2000zqy - Linux文档专区 - 2006-06-24 16:07:46 阅读(491) 回复(0)

strcat(buffer,"jcsjk"); sprintf(str_cmd,"%s%s","select * from ",buffer,":systables into temp aa"); $prepare aa from $str_cmd $execute aa -410 prepare statement failed or was not executed. This EXECUTE statement refers to a statement id that has not been prepared. Either no prepare statement was done, or one was done but returned an error code. Review the program logic to ensure that a st...

by fusongbaihai - Informix - 2012-03-31 03:03:30 阅读(1466) 回复(1)

prepare所用的字符串中,表名能当作参数吗?如 sprintf(sCmd,"%s %s","select count(*) from cmt_?", "where wtrq=?"); 另外,如果字符串是update ... set... where ...类型的语句,那么在执行时是用execute吗?语法是execute myprepare using $param1,$param2吗?

by jchc - Informix - 2004-12-15 10:43:27 阅读(965) 回复(1)