
uboot添加mii read 命令

uboot> protect off all Un-Protect Flash Bank # 1 uboot> erase 10000000 1001ffff Erasing sector 0 ... done Erased 1 sectors uboot> loadb 20000000 ## ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x20000000 at 115200 bps... ## Total Size = 0x00002908 = 10504 Bytes ## Start Addr = 0x20000000 uboot> cp.b 20000000 10000000 5fff Copy to Flash... not erased at 10000016 (800) Flash not Erased Ub...

by hello8008 - 内核/嵌入技术 - 2006-12-13 09:23:45 阅读(2742) 回复(2)



by ILoveMK - Shell - 2009-06-26 20:22:21 阅读(1321) 回复(5)

本人SUN的服务器,SOLARIS 9系统,在SHELL中想用read命令从一个文本文件(/lianxi/abc)中读取其中的所有行,并将每行的3个文本段本别显示出来,但是我的程序只能循环显示第一行,为什么??因为read命令每次只能从文本中读取第一行,而无法自动读取下一行??附上我自己编的程序: while read c < /lianxi/abc do set $c echo "$1" echo "$2" echo "$3" done 后来我把程序改成: while read c < /lianxi/abc do set $c echo "$1...

by lkwsxdz - Shell - 2008-05-04 09:55:18 阅读(3721) 回复(9)

这是在"man bash"中的一段 [code]read [-ers] [-u fd] [-t timeout] [-a aname] [-p prompt] [-n nchars] [-d delim] [name ...] One line is read from the standard input, or from the file descriptor fd supplied as an argument to the -u option, and the first word is assigned to the first name, the second word to the second name, and so on, with leftover words and their intervening separators ...

by r2007 - Shell - 2007-12-03 13:16:32 阅读(16441) 回复(21)

有些shell下,运行read命令后,用户可以使用回退键(BackSpace)删除错误输入的字符,如sh 而有些shell下,运行read命令,就不能使用回退键,bash好象就不行。 这个问题该如何解决啊?

by wabc - Shell - 2003-05-14 16:47:24 阅读(1115) 回复(4)

vi a role -p "%CECAdaptersThirdMenu" "Adapters-%CECAdaptersThirdMenu" vi b while read line do echo $line done < a 运行b echo 出来竟然成 role -p '"%CECAdaptersThirdMenu"' '"Adapters-%CECAdaptersThirdMenu"' 在双引号前多了‘’单引号,这是怎么回事,

by huanghaojie - Shell - 2009-01-04 21:21:33 阅读(2361) 回复(12)

shell脚本的read命令问题 #cat alarm.txt %a dsafa %A %a adsfjaljdfla %A #cat alarm.txt|grep "%A"|wc -l| read alarmNo #echo #{alarmNo} 为什么没有显示出来"2"? 急,在线等 必须使用命令行将"%A"的个数读入变量中。

by kenail2002 - Shell - 2005-09-10 20:25:28 阅读(4309) 回复(6)

[wzhang@web174-icu wzhang]$ A=123 [wzhang@web174-icu wzhang]$ echo $A 123 [wzhang@web174-icu wzhang]$ read B $A [wzhang@web174-icu wzhang]$ echo $B $A bash中,设置变量A值为123 ,然后用read命令读入变量,我想在此将$B=$A 即$B=123,咋不行内?

by soso801119 - Shell - 2005-06-01 18:40:06 阅读(953) 回复(2)

我用了2层shell第1层是a.sh主选单 code: echo "main shell-------------------------------" echo "main shell end---------------------------" 第二层b.sh完成具体工作 code: while [ 1 ] do echo "in child shell --------------------------------" read key case $key in 1) echo "in put 1 in shell" continue;; 0) echo "exit the user" ...

by zhangych - Shell - 2007-06-09 15:08:01 阅读(1461) 回复(7)

例如 read(fd,O_RDONLY|O_LARGEFILE) 经过iscsi封装,是不是将该命令和参数O_RDONLY和O_LARGEFILE 原封不动的传递到target进行执行还是在initiator端解释后生成iscsi 格式的“所谓的 read()”命令再传递到target??


by 博天 - 存储备份 - 2008-05-04 15:59:39 阅读(1790) 回复(0)

两台机子 fc4 bsd5.4 在fc4 上:talk ip(bsd5.4) error on read from talk daemon:connection refused 在bsd上:talk if(fc4) checking for invatition on caller's machine 两机能ping通 均mesg y 怎么解决那?

by kevindany - BSD - 2006-04-28 14:14:17 阅读(2139) 回复(0)