
wpf combobox

我有2个combobox,其中data是combobox0中的数据,我想当combobox0中选择浙江的时候在combobox1中加入杭州,但问题出来了,我要是在combobox0选择了2次浙江,在combobox1就会重复出现杭州的问题,怎么解决啊,源代码如下,我的if self.combobox.GetString(self.combobox.GetSelection()) <> "杭州".decode('utf-8'):判断居然不行,而且哪怕行的话,有这么多市,一个个判断也很累,有什么办法解决啊 if data == "浙江".decode('utf-8'): ...

by xubizhen - Python - 2008-11-21 16:00:07 阅读(2266) 回复(1)


Overview = """\ A combobox is like a combination of an edit control and a listbox. It can be displayed as static list with editable or read-only text field; or a drop-down list with text field; or a drop-down list without a text field. Normally, combobox have be created for read-only controls. Meanwhile it can be dynamically created (that is, it is initially empty but then we 'grow' it out of...

by wxPhoenix - Python文档中心 - 2007-04-19 18:56:21 阅读(1079) 回复(0)

一般的JTextField只要setDocument(new PlianDocument(){....})就行, 为什么以下这样不行? 好像没起作用 combobox _combobox1 = new combobox(); Component component1 = _combobox1.getEditor().getEditorComponent(); if(component1 instanceof JTextField ) { ((JTextField )component1).setDocument(new LengthLimitedDocument ()); } LengthLimitedDocument 是这样定义的: class LengthL...

by freshwind - Java - 2006-08-08 16:22:23 阅读(1813) 回复(1)


by huitianhaha - GUI编程 - 2007-07-25 12:34:20 阅读(3135) 回复(3)

perl Tk中没有象VB中的combobox控件, 我感觉是不是应该用ListBox和Text或Entry结合来实现。 请高手指点。多谢!

by hqyus - Perl - 2006-03-27 17:05:30 阅读(1516) 回复(0)

新学winsdk编程,不知道怎么给combobox添加item,知道的大侠帮个忙,谢谢! hWndCom = CreateWindowEx(WS_EX_STATICEDGE,"combobox","combox",WS_CHILD|WS_VISIBLE|CBS_DROPDOWNLIST|CBS_SIMPLE,10,140,100,20,hWnd,NULL,hinstance,NULL); 这个是创建窗口,然后怎么做就不知道了。

by feiyuyi - C/C++ - 2006-03-15 10:52:20 阅读(924) 回复(0)

get a different model of serial number for combobox. private DefaultcomboboxModel getcomboboxModel(int start, int finish, int step, int adjust) { String combo[] = new String[(finish-start+1)/step]; for(int i = start ; i combo[(i-start)/step] = java.lang.String.valueOf(i + adjust); } DefaultcomboboxModel comboModel = new DefaultcomboboxModel(combo); ...

by lilu_0608 - Java文档中心 - 2005-05-27 06:21:16 阅读(977) 回复(0)

分享C#高端视频教程wpf讲座——wpf应用 本视频演示了wpf全局应用程序,主要是学习使用Application对象的各种方法和事件,来控制应用程序的运行。为了演示方便,这里采用 了最为简单的控制台程序主程序。主要介绍了Application对象的Show()和Run等。 如果大家在优酷网上看的不清楚,观看高清版请 点击这里 去下载.

by aspshipin - Web开发 - 2009-07-09 16:34:38 阅读(2173) 回复(0)

最近公司在招聘高级GUI工程师,感兴趣的可以给我发邮件(,具体要求如下: Senior Windows GUI designer (1) - familiar with Agile values, principles and methods - familiar scrum work process - strong team work (can learn from others, can help others and can fix tough problems with the team) - self-motivated, self-organized person, good time management - experienced c++/c progr...

by Cienet_RC - GUI编程 - 2008-11-10 11:30:17 阅读(2016) 回复(0)

昨天, Eclipse官方发布了Eclipse 3.3 M6版本.新版本基于Windows Presentation Foundation平台, 同时增加了Vista的本地化特性, 支持JavaXPCOM, 更好支持OLE等等.+wpf (Windows Presentation Foundation)+Native features on Vista (win32)+JavaXPCOM support. 昨天, Eclipse官方发布了Eclipse 3.3 M6版本. 新版本基于Windows Presentation Foundation平台, 同时增加了Vista的本地化特性, 支持JavaXPCOM, 更好支持OLE等等. 新版本的...

by mvp2006 - Java文档中心 - 2007-04-01 23:16:54 阅读(576) 回复(0)