
Call requires API level 8 current min is 4 androidappAlertDialog#setOnShowListener

NIS客户端在library-call level请求NIS信息,library-call level是什么意思?

by climbmount - Solaris - 2004-12-29 22:11:11 阅读(588) 回复(0)


请教 crtbndpgm crtrpgmod crtpgmmod 分别代表什么含义 call callb callp 如何使用

by mj1011 - AS400 - 2004-12-03 11:34:23 阅读(1319) 回复(1)

请问,有没有sys callapi用来查询sysctl(linux)或ndd(solaris)的某项配置? 比如我要在代码中设置SO_RCVBUF,但是不确定要设置的是否已超过系统上限 所以我想先查询net.core.rmem_max(linux)/ udp_max_buf(solaris)

by 九片 - C/C++ - 2008-03-11 11:27:45 阅读(1701) 回复(0)

java.sql.SQLException: Driver requires declaration of procedure to either contain a '\nbeg in' or '\n' to follow argument declaration, or SELECT privilege on mysql.proc to parse col umn types. at com.mysql.jdbc.SQLError.createSQLException( at com.mysql.jdbc.DatabaseMetaData.getcallStmtParameterTypes( at com.mysql.jdbc.Databa...

by gladness - MySQL文档中心 - 2007-01-31 16:52:07 阅读(916) 回复(0)

++++ include/linux/kernel.h 141: #define min(x,y) ({ 142: const typeof(x) _x = (x); 143: const typeof(y) _y = (y); 144: (void) (&_x == &_y); 145: _x < _y ? _x : _y; }) (void) (&_x == &_y); 这句是什么作用阿????

by @sky - C/C++ - 2008-03-26 11:58:27 阅读(1564) 回复(4)

請問 Sybase 有沒有像 DB2 的 current timestamp 這種特殊字串啊? 因為我用 current timestamp 結果就變成 "current timestamp"字串而不是當時的時間戳記(但是DB2是可以的) thx 有先用 timestamp 搜尋過版面了,但是找不到資料只好發帖來問... 在線等待 :)

by cyclops49 - Sybase - 2004-11-29 13:06:24 阅读(1050) 回复(0)

help: 谁能告诉我as400怎么加静态路由啊

by radius - AS400 - 2004-01-07 09:56:46 阅读(941) 回复(1)

Dear XXX san; How are you doing! When I check the filesystem monitor, I found the /backup/GAL directory was somewhat getting larger reached critical level(91% ).But I couldn't find any other wrong files. Could you help me? By the way ,/backup/GAL directory is on the was01p: Thanks for your support! Best regards, XXXX 2005.5.8 Dear XXX san; How are you doing! When I check th...

by daichuang - AIX文档中心 - 2005-05-08 08:48:02 阅读(1080) 回复(0)

DEBIAN下: 编绎MPLAYER时出现以下错误` Error: The GUI requires PNG support, please install libpng and libpng-dev packages. 请问应如何更新那些包?或是那里有MPLAYER包

by argum - 系统管理 - 2006-12-11 16:44:03 阅读(757) 回复(0)

call me .I buy it( non -hp) buy 80 yuan 1 year ago

by suidy - HP-UX - 2005-10-10 09:08:57 阅读(1445) 回复(3)