
ngx req status

数据库不胜数onmode -ky 后 oninit 启动,ONSTAT - 显示: Informix Dynamic Server Version 7.31.UC5 -- Fast Recovery (CKPT req) -- Up 00:00:33 -- 385024 Kbytes Blocked:CKPT 半分钟后。on-line 了,请问大家数据库有没有问题??

by zrf8866 - Informix - 2007-03-02 15:02:32 阅读(2290) 回复(5)


i have two hard drive on win2k server,\r\nthere 4 partitions on one and 3 partitions on another,\r\nthere is 1 master partition and 3 logic partitions on the 4-partition disc,\r\nAND 1 master partition (made automatic, 8m only) and 2-partitions on the 3-partition disc,\r\n\r\nQUESTION:\r\nthat 8m-partition always takes Volume D in the storage, \r\nBUT it is useless,\r\ncould you tell me how to dis...

by qui6 - 企业网管技术交流区 - 2003-02-24 09:26:11 阅读(2601) 回复(1)

本帖最后由 big_turnip 于 2013-07-10 11:33 编辑 在nginx上面配置了ngx_pagespeed模块 nginx上面有做动静分离,静态的放在副域名上面 但是若是从主域名访问网站,调用副域名上的图片的时候没有看到用pagespeed重写的痕迹 若是从副域名直接访问网站,则可以看到图片被pagespeed重写 主站上面有做规则重写,但是我有在主站上面加入[code]if ($request_uri ~ "(ngx_pagespeed_([^.]+)/(.*)?)") { break; ...

by big_turnip - 服务器应用 - 2013-07-10 14:05:42 阅读(1392) 回复(1)


by ChianXu - Web开发 - 2011-12-22 08:54:27 阅读(633) 回复(0)

所谓 batch 模式就是自动使用 -config 中的默认值,如果没有默认值则不询问的一种模式 [root@dhcp ~]# openssl req -new -config /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf -key my.key -batch > my.csr Enter pass phrase for my.key: [root@dhcp ~]# [root@dhcp ~]# openssl req -text -in my.csr Certificate request: Data: Version: 0 (0x0) Subject: C=CN, ST=GD, L=GZ, O=GZNAP, OU=Maintenance, [email=CN...

by ailms - Linux文档专区 - 2008-03-08 12:01:32 阅读(518) 回复(0)

req(1) OpenSSL req(1) NAME req - PKCS#10 certificate request and certificate generating utility. [color="#0000ff"]# 注释 :req 是 PKCS#10 证书请求和证书生成工具 SYNOPSIS openssl req [-inform PEM│DER] [-outform PEM│DER] [-in filename] [-passin arg] [-out filename] [-passout arg] [color="#ff0000"][-text] [-pubkey] [color="#ff0000"] [...

by ailms - Linux文档专区 - 2008-03-08 11:57:53 阅读(894) 回复(0)

请使用以下两种方法之一 其一: mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR -> [email=''some_user''@''some_host'']''some_user''@''some_host''[/email] =OLD_PASSWORD(''newpwd''); 其二: mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password =OLD_PASSWORD(''newpwd'') -> WHERE Host = ''some_host'' AND User =''some_user''; mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; 本文来自ChinaUnix博客,如果查看原文请点:

by liuxingyuyuni - Linux文档专区 - 2006-11-13 21:40:32 阅读(624) 回复(0)

request: CISM review manual 2005??? please

by razmar78 - 攻防交流区 - 2005-09-05 06:35:46 阅读(2909) 回复(0)

[code]root@bsd01# ntpq ntpq> as ind assID status conf reach auth condition last_event cnt =========================================================== 1 61506 9624 yes yes none sys.peer reachable 2 2 61507 9424 yes yes none candidat reachable 2 3 61508 9424 yes yes none candidat reachable 2[/code]其中的9624, 9424这些代码在哪里能够查到对应的解释? 最近遇到一个...

by nimysun - BSD - 2010-12-15 22:16:57 阅读(3138) 回复(1)

Hi All, Need some helps here. I'm trying to write a sftp script in unix env to upload my files to the server. On top of it, I need to have the logic to check whether all files are successful uploaded to the server or not. Anyone knows how to do this? Spent few days searching Internet but no luck, couldn't get the solution :(

by toms1981 - AIX - 2010-04-05 01:06:26 阅读(2109) 回复(4)