
paste deploy

paste 合并两文件的行时,怎样才可以中间的分隔符号多个TAB键? 试过paste -d" " file1 file2 >; file3 但只是一个 其他办法合并两文件的行,而且分隔符号是指定的???

by swysn - 其他UNIX - 2004-07-10 08:17:18 阅读(774) 回复(1)


In order to setup a failover configuration for IPMP I would recommend doing it via this way around: create some relative configuration files such as /etc/hostname.NICn and so on; /etc/hostname.ce0 RIP01 deprecated -failover netmask + broadcast + group group1 up \ addif VIP01 netmask + broadcast + up /etc/hostname.ce1 RIP02 deprecated -failover netmask + broadcast + standby group group1 up /etc/...

by nimysun - Solaris文档中心 - 2006-04-08 11:07:17 阅读(822) 回复(0)

请问各位在用weblogic7.1 deploy一个war包的时候会不会生成一个相应的目录呢?如: 包名:test.war 用weblogic web console deploy以后会不会有一个test.war目录呢? 我在deploy的时候就没有目录生成目录。我记得在weblogic6的时候就会有吧,如果weblogic7也会有的话我该怎么做。谢谢!请详细一些。

by appltes - 中间件技术 - 2004-06-14 14:25:08 阅读(1674) 回复(1)

i encountered a vi paste problem on aix platform. when i copied some sources from windows and then pasted it into a vi window, many s were inserted automatically in front of each line (i.e., one tab for line1 and two tabs for line2 and etc). but this problem cannot be simulated on linux platform. anybody knows how to solve it? thanks in advance.

by wrl - Shell - 2009-05-07 11:31:13 阅读(1560) 回复(7)

paste 可以把两个文件连起来. $ ls file1 file2 $ more file1 aaa $ more file2 bbb $ paste file1 file2 aaa bbb 我想知道怎么让两个文件连起来,没有空隔. aaabbb (这样)

by zhanglin_1981 - 其他UNIX - 2005-12-15 08:48:52 阅读(905) 回复(1)

我想把两个文件中的一部分粘贴在一起, 例如 文件1的1-3属性, 和文件2的2-3属性, 最直接的实现可以是 cut -f1-3 file1 >temp1 cut -f203 file2>temp2 paste temp1 temp2 但我不想产生中间文件temp1和temp2, 请问应该用什么命令

by Jenny.Palmy - Shell - 2008-12-22 11:02:23 阅读(1904) 回复(4)

Step #1 To spool the Solaris 10 boot and installation images to a local disk, complete the following steps: Create a directory with at least 4 Gigabytes of space available to hold the Solaris OS image. Usually the /jumpstart/install directory is used.# mkdir /jumpstart/install Insert the Solaris 10 Software 1 CD in the CD-ROM drive or the Solaris 10 DVD in the DVD drive. Change the directory to...

by nimysun - Solaris文档中心 - 2007-04-12 23:56:34 阅读(1274) 回复(0)

[HTTP:101216]Servlet: "DefaultInit" failed to preload on startup in Web application: "cvsvdcs". com.jcorporate.expresso.core.db.DBException: This version of Expresso requires the Xerces XML parser package version Xerces 1.4.3, but version Xerces 1.4.4 was found instead. at com.jcorporate.expresso.core.ExpressoSchema.( at com.jcorporate.expresso.core.misc.ConfigManager....

by mj20060001 - 中间件技术 - 2006-11-27 17:38:38 阅读(1871) 回复(1)

This file contains instructions on installing and configuring the following software:- - Java SDK 1.2.2 - Apache Tomcat 3.3.1 - epoint 6.0 RMI INSTALLING Java SDK v1.2.2 ========================== 1. Install 'jdk-1_2_2_012-win.exe' using the default setting. After installing you should have the the directory c:\jdk1.2.2 2. Create the following system variable. Goto 'Control Panel-> System-> Adva...

by mahound - Java文档中心 - 2006-07-02 10:05:17 阅读(675) 回复(0)

用eclipse3.0+jboss3.2.5+lomobz3.0.1 在deploy Module后它在jboss的server/deploy下生成了一个myWeb.war文件, 但是在IE里浏览http://localhost:8080/myWeb/index.jsp却出错。提示:The requested resource (/myWeb/index.jsp) is not available. 信息。 我找到myWeb.war文件用winrar打开发现myWeb.war\WEB-INF下有这么四个文件: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ weblogic.xml web.xml undeplay.xml resin-web.xml ++++++++++++++++...

by xu_tony - Java - 2004-11-10 09:47:25 阅读(1095) 回复(0)